and then looks at Juliette.
In her good-natured way she says, “Sorry, you’re a good player. I was just trying to get the ball away from you. I hope my brother wasn’t a jerk.”
In a friendly tone Juliette replies, “No problem. That was a fun game.” Turning back to me, she gives me eye contact and a warm smile that just about wipes me out, “Your brother was kind.”
I’m about to ask for her number when the other little defending terror comes up and interrupts. Watching Juliette for another minute, Jamie starts getting annoyed and pulls me away. Anyway, I have her name. How hard can it be to find someone in today’s connected world?
As we walk to the car, Jamie says, “I was worried about you for nothing. Looks like you’re back to hitting on women.”
Chuckling, I think it’s the first day since forever I feel like my old self.
Chapter 14 – Revising My Morning Ritual
While Jamie showers and changes, I type “Juliette Cole” into Google. A link to her Facebook page and her Leland alumni information comes up. She’s pretty and smart. It looks like she graduated this past spring with a Masters in Engineering and Computer Science. This must make her around twenty-four or twenty-five. There are also links to some papers she’s written on k-means algorithms, and The Apriori algorithm. Pulling up the papers, not surprisingly, it’s all algorithms and charts with very few understandable words.
I bring up a presentation she gave at a conference; it’s definitely her. She’s articulate, all dressed up, her eyes flash dark, and her face looks pale since the camera doesn’t catch how luminescent her skin is. At the soccer game her hair was held back in a braid, on the video it’s down. Jamie interrupts my search as we head out to meet up with some of her friends.
The next morning I’m still thinking about Juliette Cole. During my first rotation in Jacksonville, I got into the habit of texting Mariana every morning. It became part of my routine, like brushing my teeth. After she left it was a painful habit to stop, I’d always feel like I forgot to do something as I headed to work. Performing a search on Facebook, Juliette’s name comes up. I send her a professional text hoping that I can use it as a good opening:
Nate: I hope no unpleasant side effects, are you feeling well today?
Heading out to my meetings at the local sports medicine clinic, I see that she’s responded.
Juliette: Feeling fine, I guess it was the fast medical attention. Did your sister have a problem with you saving the opposition?
Well, it’s not flirty, but then again she was friendly, not flirty. I wait until the next morning; I wouldn’t want to come across as desperate. This time I add a little flirt to my text.
Me: I’m not that fast but I am thorough.
Juliette: Are you a thorough doctor or do you just have an ankle fetish?
OK, that was a flirt, let’s see what kind of offer I get from this practice, I just might be seeing more of Juliette Cole. After two days of meeting the different docs and getting some hands on how they run their practice, I’m starting to think that this might be my next job. Juliette Cole is not the reason I’d move, but I take meeting her as sign that Northern California should be my next destination.
The next morning I flirt back with: I have a lot of interests and my fetishes aren’t limited to ankles.
Juliette: Name one of your interests?
As I drive to the medical offices with a smile on my face, I wonder if it’s flirting, or just having a woman that I want to flirt with that’s making me happy? Too bad she didn’t go with fetishes, now that could have been fun. She seems like a sweet, good girl. I think I might be ready for one like that.
Me: I like playing hockey
Juliette: Is your sister as big a fan of your hockey games as you are of her soccer games?
Clever girl. I bet she figured out I’m in Minnesota and is trying to find out more about me. I should give her a
Gerry Davis, Alison Bingeman