Neptune's Ring

Neptune's Ring by Ali Spooner Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Neptune's Ring by Ali Spooner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ali Spooner
Tags: adventure, Lesbian Romance, haunted, lesbian erotica, sequel to venus rising
please,” Levi said.
    “Better make mine with hemlock,” Vanessa
    “How about a shot of cherry syrup instead,”
Killian asked?
    “Sounds good, my friend,” Vanessa said, as
their burgers were served.
    They were the first to arrive and were nearly
finished eating when the rest of the crew that were staying on
board arrived. Killian, Vanessa and Levi stepped back from the bar
and took seats around the pool so the rest of the staff could eat
    Killian disappeared for a moment and Levi
looked up when island music began to play. “That’s more like it,”
Killian said as she sat down next to Levi.
    The sun was passing overhead as the crew
finished their meals and began to play in the water and dance
around the pool. Levi watched as the close knit group partied
together and enjoyed one another’s company. It was very obvious to
her how close Vanessa’s staff was and how much they adored their
Captain. She looked at Vanessa and smiled.
    “Time to try something new,” she said and
walked behind the bar.
    Killian looked at Vanessa.
    “Levi is thinking up a new drink to try out
on us,” Vanessa said.
    “That sounds exciting,” Killian said. “Let’s
go watch.”
    “My thoughts exactly,” Vanessa said. “This
group flirts badly enough when they are totally sober and they only
get worse after a few drinks.”
    “You don’t think Levi can handle a few
flirts?” Killian teased.
    “I know she can,” Vanessa said. “I also how
know how smooth some of these ladies can be.”
    “Well what do you expect, we learned from the
best,” Killian said, as she punched Vanessa in the shoulder. “Come
on before all the seats are taken.”
    Levi stepped behind the bar. She recognized
Cory, the bartender and asked, “Would you mind if I do a little
    “Not at all, I am honored to have you behind
my bar,” Cory said. “Make yourself at home and let me know if there
is anything you need.”
    “Thanks,” Levi said as she started to review
the options at the bar.
    She wanted to create something that had a
kick to it that also had a pleasing taste and she reached for a
bottle of ever clear and poured a shot. Levi poured the liquid into
a mixing glass and looked around for ingredients to add. She opened
the refrigerator and found a gallon of citrus punch mixture and
poured six ounces into the glass. Then Levi spotted chunks of
pineapple and tossed three of them in the glass with two cherries
and a shot of grenadine to give the drink some color.
    Levi then added crushed iced and placed the
lid on the mixing glass and shook the concoction for twenty
    Killian, Vanessa and several of the crew
watched in eager anticipation as Levi worked her magic and she
removed the lid and poured a sip in a shot glass. Levi took the
drink and raised it to her lips and frowned as she swished the
mixture around in her mouth. “Still missing something,” she said to
    Levi spotted a bottle of amaretto and poured
out half an ounce into the mixing glass and shook up the
concoction. She again poured a small amount into a shot and took a
drink. They watched as the smile grew on Levi’s face.
    “Well, how did it come out?” Vanessa
    “You tell me,” Levi said as she poured shots
for each of the women sitting at the bar.
    Vanessa and Killian reached for the shots at
the same time and clicked their glasses together, then raised them
to their mouths, taking in the smooth drinks.
    “Excellent drink,” Killian said. She licked
her lips. “It goes down smooth, with a nice kick, but what do you
plan for a name.”
    “It’s going to be called a slow grind,” Levi
    “That’s a perfect name for it,” Cory
    Levi poured the remainder of the drink into a
glass, including the fruit for Vanessa. “By the time you get down
to the fruit it should be well saturated and have a nice kick,”
Levi said.
    Levi mixed up glasses of the drink for all
the ladies then kicked back with Vanessa as

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