Neptune's Ring
scent. She carried it to the bathroom and placed it on the vanity
as she stepped into the shower. After she dried off, Levi put a
swim suit on and then dressed in shorts and a shirt to use as a
cover. After breakfast, she hoped to get some sun while Vanessa
finished her duties.
    Levi left the cabin and when she arrived at
the control room she stopped in the doorway to watch Killian and
Vanessa at work. They were reviewing a stack of reports and Vanessa
was explaining something to Killian. Killian looked up to find Levi
standing in the doorway and smiled at her.
    “Good morning, Levi,” she said.
    “Good morning ladies,” Levi said.
    “How are you, My Love?” Vanessa asked.
    “I am starving,” Levi said with a grin.
    “We were just waiting on you to arrive,”
Killian said.
    “You didn’t have to do that.”
    “We know, but we wanted to have breakfast
with you,” Vanessa said.
    “That is very sweet of you both,” Levi
    “We know,” Killian grinned, as she pushed
aside the stack of reports. “Let’s eat.”
    The three of them walked into one of the
smaller dining rooms and were seated at a table as Andrea cooked
fresh omelets for them.
    “These look wonderful, but you have to tell
me your secrets,” Levi said.
    “What secrets?” Vanessa asked.
    “How you can eat like this every day and
still be in such good shape,” Levi said.
    “Keeping the ship in good working order is a
lot of hard work, and we probably walk and climb several miles a
day,” Vanessa said.
    “Having drop dead gorgeous girlfriends adds
good incentive too,” Killian said with a grin.
    Levi laughed at Killian’s comment, but knew
she was very serious.
    “Ok, next question. Which sun deck would you
    “On the top deck, there is a small, fairly
private deck that is the best for sun,” Killian said.
    “I hope to do some tanning, while you two
work this morning,” Levi said. “Will you be able to join me later?”
she asked Vanessa.
    “We should be finished in no more than an
hour,” Vanessa said. “The final preparations are almost
    “Speaking of which,” Killian said. “Everyone
has the afternoon off before tomorrow’s boarding. About a dozen of
us stay on board and take advantage of the pool and have lunch then
share a few drinks while we relax at the main pool,” Killian said.
“We would be honored if you and the Captain joined us.”
    “We would love to, so count us in,” Levi
    “Excellent,” Killian said with a huge
    “Now if you ladies will excuse me, I have a
date with the sun,” Levi said.
    She stood and picked up her bag and leaned
down to kiss Vanessa. “I will see you two later.”
    Vanessa and Killian watched Levi disappear
into the elevator that would take her to the top deck.
    “She is the one, isn’t she?” Killian
    “Yes, my friend, I think she is,” Vanessa
said with a smile. “No one has ever made me feel the way Levi
    “I am very happy for you both,” Killian
    “Thank you, now let’s get back to work so I
can go spend some time with my drop dead gorgeous girlfriend,”
Vanessa teased.
    Levi climbed a small staircase to the sun
deck Killian had told her about and placed her bag on a table next
to a lounger. She spread a towel and took her shirt and shorts off.
She reached into her bag and pulled out tanning oil and slowly
spread it across the front of her body. Then she eased back on the
lounger and let the rays of the sun warm her as a cool breeze blew
across her body.
    She was almost nodding off when Vanessa’s
shadow fell across her body almost an hour later.
    “Hey baby,” Levi said when she opened her
    “You look like you are toasting well,”
Vanessa said as she caught a drop of sweat that was running down
Levi’s stomach. “Are you ready to take a dip in the pool to cool
    “That does sound good,” Levi said.
    Vanessa took Levi’s hand and helped her up
from the chair and they walked down

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