New Territory

New Territory by Sarah Marie Porter Read Free Book Online

Book: New Territory by Sarah Marie Porter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Marie Porter
probably due to meeting Cian, she concluded, casting a loving look across the room at her mate. Kara frowned, her golden eyes glinting. “I don’t like this,” she said. “I think they’ve been trying to breed us, like cattle. Maybe they have been keeping us from each other so they can control who we mate with, in order to produce pups with strong talents.” Keva’s eyes widened as she considered the idea. You might be right, Kara. They’ve been manipulating all of the lycan packs across the country. Cian growled deep in his throat. “I doubt we are the only ones who have discovered their scheme. We should get word to the other packs immediately. Perhaps the time for a lycan reunion has come.” Liam nodded in agreement, green eyes flashing. “If anyone else knows, they’ve probably been blackmailed by the Council to stay quiet. I think that once we send our messenger, someone should confront our own pack’s Council member.” Cian nodded in approval. “Thank you for volunteering, Liam,” he said with a grin. Liam shook his head, a half-smile on his face. “Of course, my Alpha,” he said, with mock formality.
    The group agreed, and Keva followed Kara back to their cabin. Kara was seething, her golden eyes sparking so much that Keva almost feared she would set something on fire. “I can’t believe they would do such a thing,” Kara said scornfully. “We’re not livestock. We’re sentient beings, for God’s sake! They’ve gotten too comfortable with their power. Keva, you have to shift soon, so that they won’t have another reason to take you. I think we’re going to need your special schemes to put a stop their scheme.” Keva nodded unhappily, but she felt determination rise inside her. I know. I am going to try tonight, in the spare bedroom. I cannot wait any longer. Kara’s eyes widened. “Great! I’ll grab one of my robes for you and bring it to you.”
    Keva went to the spare room as Kara disappeared in search of a robe. The spare room was lightly furnished with only a small bed, a dresser, and a floor-length mirror next to the empty closet. Keva sat in the middle of the wooden floor and closed her eyes, clearing her mind of all thoughts. Her concentration was broken only for a moment as her pointed ears caught the sound of Kara approaching. Kara hung a fluffy white robe on a hook on the inside of the door, then left and shut the door quietly behind her, leaving Keva in peace. Outside, the sun was just beginning to set, and the clouds from the day’s rain had thinned just enough to paint a purple and gold painting in the sky. Keva imagined that the sunset was the soft twilight of the wolf dream, and pictured her human half in her mind.
    Reaching deep inside her mind, she called up all the reasons for her to change form: her love for Cian, her friendship with Kara and Liam, and her desire to spend the rest of her life with her new family. She imagined having hands, and two legs and two arms, and then let her mind drift.
    An excruciating pain shot up her spine and she cried out from where she lay in a trance, but she welcomed the pain. The cracking of bones and her own whimpers reached her as the transformation rearranged her skeleton and adjusted her frame. Her fur shrank into her new skin and disappeared as long, pale blonde hair sprouted from her scalp. Her face flattened and seemed to melt into the face she had seen in her wolf dream. Her tail shrank as well, disappearing. Finally, it was done.
    She lay on the floor, gasping for air. Her blonde hair fell into her face, and she reflexively brushed it away with her hand and then stared at her slender fingers in wonder. “I did it,” she said quietly, still shocked. A wide smile slowly appeared on her face. She braced herself with her arms and scooted across the floor until she was on her knees in front of the floor-length mirror.
    Her bright blue eyes were recognizable as her own, as was the pale blonde hair that fell

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