New Title 6

New Title 6 by Lila Rose Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: New Title 6 by Lila Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lila Rose
not, and don’t throw my stuff around,” I said with my head held high.
years I've waited for you to come to me. I've been waiting and watching, Zara.
I know you; I know when you're angry, when you're sad, upset, worried, happy,
horny, and fuckin' lyin'. Tell me the truth. Why did you leave him?”
bottom lip trembled. Goddamn him for saying that shit to me. The ass wasn’t
allowed to say nice stuff. I was gonna have to ban it from the house.
could work, though. If I told him, he'd move on. Let me go. It would hurt, but
it'd be for the best.
I glared at him, my fists clenched at my sides and yelled, “You really wanna
know? I'd had enough of his beatings—” The room was eerily quiet except from
Julian's gasp, “—but what topped it off, what had me call Deanna in the middle
of the night and escape, was when he came home drunk, beat me, and then raped
me!” I pounded my chest.
maybe I shouldn't have yelled. Talon's own hands were clenched; he was
breathing deeply through his nose. A mountain of rage filled the room, and I
was pretty sure I'd have witnessed lasers shoot out of his eyes if Griz didn't
start ordering.
Deanna, take Zara to her room. Gay guys, PI's, go with them.” Blue and Griz ran
across the room and grabbed Talon's arms. “Go now,” he growled.
Warden, and Mattie were already heading down the hall. Deanna grabbed my hand;
Julian took the other one, and dragged me along with them. We'd gotten my door
shut before a roar of fury filled the house. “I'm gonna fucking kill that
motherfucker! Let. Me. Go.”
boys must have let go because the next thing we heard was things being thrown
get the fuck outside,” Blue yelled.
listened to the front door being snapped open, hitting the wall.
this shit; we'll calm him,” Griz said to someone.
later, the rumble of Harleys started and took off down the street.
honey, pumpkin skin, I think I can honestly say I have never seen this much action
in all my life. I love it here. Mattie, we're moving.” Julian smiled from where
he sat next to me on the bed.
was fuckin' I have never seen a man that...super angry before. Hot or
what?” Deanna gleamed with excitement. She was sitting on the other side of me.
Deanna and I both knew we’d seen others that angry before, but this was a
totally different situation. We knew that no harm would come from said super
angry person. It was actually funny how un-scared I was, especially with what
my past had detailed. In fact, I was anything but scared; what I felt was
nauseous and sad that I had upset Talon in any way.
hot I think I came in my pants. Sorry, honey,” Julian said. Mattie smiled and
nodded in agreement, then patted Julian's leg.
He's always been like that,” Vi said, shaking her head. She and Warden were
standing in front of the door.
he'll leave me alone now,” I uttered.
here the fuck we go. Where is that mushed up brain of yours leading you?”
Deanna asked.
he knows.”
Zara?” Mattie asked.
knows I'm not good for him. I'm filthy.”
Warden hissed, opened the door, and left.
much girl talk for him, I'm guessin',” Julian smiled. “And Zara, my potato pie.
From what I just witnessed and heard, Talon is far from done with you. You
ain't filthy, girl; that pubic hair flossing ex of yours is as good as dead.
You are much loved here, woman, and if it ain't you or Deanna or Talon doing
the killing, you're going to have many others stepping forward to fulfill that
job. That fucktard should never have laid a harmful hand on you. He's gonna
pay, poptart. No matter what you say. And Talon will be at your side through
all this hell to come. Everyone can see the hard-on he has for you.”

    “ A lright, while my

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