New York Dead

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Book: New York Dead by Stuart Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stuart Woods
hurt. “Of course.”
    Stone gave him a card. “Shoot it to me there when you’re done.” He got up.
    Barker rose with him. “I’m having a few friends in for dinner this evening, as you can see,” he said, waving a hand at the dining room. “Would you like to join us?”
    “Thanks,” Stone said, “but until I’ve solved the Nijinsky problem, there are no dinner parties in the picture.”
    “I understand,” Barker said, seeing him out. “Perhaps another time?”
    “Thank you,” Stone said. While he waited for the elevator, he wondered why Hi Barker would ask a policeman to dinner. Well, he thought, as he stepped from the elevator into the lobby, if he solved this one, he would become a very famous policeman.
    As it turned out, he didn’t have to wait that long. A skinny young man with half a dozen cameras draped about him was arguing with the doorman when he turned and saw Stone. “Right here, Detective Barrington,” he called, raising a camera.
    The flash made Stone blink. As he made his way from the building, pursued by the snapping paparazzo, he felt a moment of sympathy for someone like Sasha Nijinsky, who spent her life dodging such trash.


    Stone had almost an hour and a half to kill before his appointment with Barron Harkness at the network. Rush hour was running at full tilt, and all vacant cabs were off duty, so he set off walking crosstown. He reckoned his knee could use the exercise anyway. He was wrong. By the time he got to Fifth Avenue, he was limping. He thought of going home for an hour, but he was restless, and, even though he had another interview to conduct, he wanted a drink. He walked a couple of blocks north to the Seagram Building and entered a basement door.
    The Four Seasons was a favorite of Stone’s; he couldn’t afford the dining rooms, but he could manage the prices at the bar. He climbed the stairs, chose a stool at a corner of the big, square bar, and nodded at the bartender. He came in often enough to know the man and to be known, but not by name.
    “Evening, Detective,” the bartender said, sliding a coaster in front of him. “What’ll it be?”
    “Wild Turkey on the rocks, and how’d you know that?”
    The man reached under the bar and shoved a
New York Post
, in front of Stone.
    The photograph was an old one, taken at a press conference a couple of years before. They had cropped out Stone’s face and blown it up. DETECTIVE SEES SASHA’S FALL, the headline said. Stone scanned the article; somebody at the precinct was talking to a reporter.
    “So, what’s the story?” the bartender asked, pouring bourbon over ice. He made it a double without being asked.
    “What’s your name?”
    “When I find out, Tom, you’ll be among the first to know. I’ll be here celebrating.”
    The bartender nodded and moved down the bar to help a new customer, a small, very pretty blonde girl in a business suit.
    The bar wasn’t the only reason Stone liked the Four Seasons. He looked at the woman and felt suddenly, ravenously hungry for her. Since his hospital time and the course of libido-dampening painkillers, he had given little thought to women. Now a rush of hormones had him breathing rapidly. He fought an urge to get up, walk down the bar, and stick his tongue in her ear. COP IN SEX CHARGE AT FOUR SEASONS, tomorrow’s Post would say.
    The bartender put a copy of the paper in front of her. She glanced at it, looked up at Stone, surprised, and smiled.
    Here was his opening. Stone picked up his drink and shifted off the stool. As he took a step, an acre of black raincoat blocked his view of the girl. A man built like a pro linebacker had stepped between them, leaned over some distance, and pecked the girl on the cheek. He settled on a barstool between her and Stone. The girl leaned back and cast a regretful grimace Stone’s way.
    Stone settled back onto his stool and pulled at the bourbon. His fantasy raged on, out of control. A five-minute walk to his

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