
NiceGirlsDo by Marilyn Lee Read Free Book Online

Book: NiceGirlsDo by Marilyn Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marilyn Lee
that would make it 5:20 there.”
    “A.m., Clay. a.m. What the hell are you doing up so late?”
    He stared down at the crumpled piece of hotel stationary in his hand, sighed, and shook his head. “Never mind that. I need you to get up, get dressed, and be here as soon as you can.”
    “Why? You were so gung-ho to attend the job fair yourself.”
    “Look, Damien, I'm so damned tired I can barely keep my eyes open. I've left a message for Beth to tell her you're running very late, but you will be taking my place at the fair. Now I'm going to catch a few hours’ sleep and then I'll be on the next plane home --”
    “Clay --”
    “I need you to do this for me, Damien without asking questions. I don’t want to talk. I just need this favor from you. Will you do it?”
    Damien swore softly. “Yes.”
    “What's wrong, Clay?”
    “Nothing. I'm just tired.”
    “You don't sound fine, Clay. It's not like you to --”
    “There's going to be someone at the fair I'd rather not meet today. Okay? Satisfied?”
    “A woman?”
    “It damn sure isn’t a man.”
    “It's not Calder's woman again? Don't tell me you-”
    “No, Damien, it's not her! That's over.”
    “Then you must be losing your touch.”
    “What's that supposed to mean?”
    “First you let Calder steal your woman and now you're telling me you've met a woman you can't handle?”
    “First, Calder already had Sharde when we met her. And second, I'm not in the mood for this shit, Damien!”
    “Okay. Fine, but she must be someone special. What's her name? Do I know her?”
    “I didn't say I couldn't handle her.” Along with the almost breathless sexual hunger he'd felt for her, had come an unexpected and unwanted tenderness. He frowned. And a surprising desire to get to know her. Surrendering to that urge would lead him down a path it was best not to travel with a woman who didn’t generally date white men. “I'd just rather not meet her again ... at least not yet.”
    “So you’re running away from her with your tail between your legs?”
    “Damien! I am not in the mood! Can we leave it at that?”
    “Damn. You sound rattled.”
    He took a deep, calming breath. He felt rattled. Getting out of that bed and leaving Darbi had taken every ounce of his resolve. And every moment since he’d let himself out of the room, he’d been battling a pressing need to return.
    “I’m fine.”
    “Hmmm. Okay. What about Amber?”
    He frowned. “She's eighteen. She can be left alone for a few hours.”
    “Fine, but if she gets into more trouble while we're both in transit, I'm not taking the heat from your mother.”
    He smiled. Behind her back, Damien called Clay and Amber's mother, their mother. To her face, he called her Mom, just as Amber called their father Dad. “You tell Amber if she can't behave for a few hours, I'll lock her narrow behind up until she's twenty-one.”
    “Like that's going to work. That sister of yours is a royal pain.” 
    “As were you. She'll be fine for a few hours.”
    “Fine. Tell Beth I'll be there as soon as I can.”
    “Thanks hell, you're going to owe me big time for this, Clay.”
    “Tell me about it. Now get your ass in gear.”
    He shut off his cell phone and sat back in the chair. He smoothed the crumpled piece of paper in his hand and read the message he’d written to Darbi, but decided against leaving.
    Dear Darbi
    When you learn my identity, you’ll realize, that no matter how much we might both want it, a relationship between us would not only be impractical but also unlikely to succeed. However, I did want you to know I will cherish the memory of the night we spent together.
    I hope you’ll forgive me for not delivering this message in person.
    Take care of yourself and be happy.
    Clayton Frazier, CEO, Fra-Tech.
    Why the hell should she forgive him for not having the balls to have faced her in person and told her who he was and why he’d left? He crumpled the paper in his hand.

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