Night Watcher

Night Watcher by Chris Longmuir Read Free Book Online

Book: Night Watcher by Chris Longmuir Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Longmuir
Tags: Suspense
have done something worthwhile.
    ‘What’s your name?’ She turned the key in the ignition.
    ‘Julie,’ after a moment’s hesitation she added, ‘Forbes.’
    ‘Well, Julie,’ Nicole said with a glow of satisfaction because she was doing something nice. ‘You’re in no state to take yourself anywhere so I’ll drive you home. Just tell me where.’
    ‘You’re so kind.’
    A slight smile flickered over Julie’s lips and, once again, Nicole felt a tinge of unease.

    Julie suppressed a smile at Nicole’s sharp intake of breath when the car slid to a halt outside the tenement.
    ‘This is where you live?’
    ‘Yes, I was lucky to get the flat. It came vacant when a previous tenant topped himself.’ She glanced sideways at Nicole, but quickly masked it by pretending to have problems unbuckling her seat belt.
    Everything was working out beautifully. The staged accident had hurt a bit and she would probably have some bruises to show for it, but the puffa jacket had cushioned the blow. Lucky she had thought of that. And now Nicole was on a guilt trip and it was just about to get worse, because Julie had brought her back to the place where Dave had died.
    ‘I’m not making a good job of this,’ Julie said breaking into Nicole’s trance. ‘But my shoulders are sore and I can’t get it unbuckled.’
    Nicole leaned over and pressed the release button. The belt shot up almost hitting Julie in the face and making her jerk backwards. Nicole did not seem to notice and she had not switched the engine off. Was she getting ready for a quick getaway?
    Julie eased herself forward in the seat, but made no move to leave the car. Nicole was not going to get off as easily as that, she thought grimly. She had not risked her life to let her escape now. It was of the utmost importance that Nicole accompanied her upstairs, so the moan when she moved would have to be good.
    Julie twisted in her seat and reached for the door handle. ‘Ow!’ She gasped and clenched her teeth. She had not needed to act, the pain in her shoulder and hip was all too real.
    Nicole frowned. ‘You sure you haven’t broken something?’
    ‘Not entirely,’ Julie said, willing Nicole to get out of the car and help her. ‘But I think it’s only bruising. I’ll be able to judge better when I get inside.’
    Nicole sighed and switched off the engine. ‘I’d better help you.’
    Not before time, Julie thought, but only said, ‘Thanks, that would be very kind of you.’
    The entry door swung shut behind them and Julie, leaning heavily on Nicole’s arm, shuffled along the corridor leading to the stairs. Nicole slowed as she drew level with the door that had been Dave’s. Julie saw a flicker of panic in her eyes, and couldn’t resist saying, ‘That’s where he lived.’
    Nicole flinched. ‘Who?’
    ‘The tenant I was telling you about, the one who topped himself.’ Julie steered Nicole towards the stairs. ‘Hanged himself just there,’ she said, pointing to the stairwell. ‘They said he tied the rope to the banister on the landing up there and then jumped.’
    A vision of Dave, legs dangling, body swaying and face contorted rose in Julie’s mind. She shuddered and blinked back the tears pricking behind her eyelids. For, although she could feel Nicole cringing at her side, thinking of Dave was hurting her more than Nicole.
    ‘Does it bother you?’ Nicole’s voice was strangely quiet.
    Julie shrugged. ‘Not really. I didn’t know him and I don’t believe in ghosts.’ In her mind she apologized to Dave for denying him.
    ‘My flat’s one up.’ Clenching her teeth she climbed the stairs. It was time to build on Nicole’s guilt and sow the seeds for the relationship with her that was essential for Julie’s plan to succeed.
    ‘This is it,’ she said, watching Nicole’s expression. The flat was a replica of the one downstairs with which Julie was sure Nicole must have been familiar.
    Nicole’s expression did not falter.

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