No Red Roses: A Loveswept Classic Romance (Santa Flores)

No Red Roses: A Loveswept Classic Romance (Santa Flores) by Iris Johansen Read Free Book Online

Book: No Red Roses: A Loveswept Classic Romance (Santa Flores) by Iris Johansen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iris Johansen
    “But with a subtle difference. They were as much victims of their own allure as the men they enchanted,” Brody said lightly. “That’s why wars were fought over them. Who can resist a tragic maiden in distress? Even I feel an urge to go out and fight a dragon or two when you look up at me with those big pansy eyes.”
    “I can fight my own dragons, thank you,” she said crossly. “The only thing I need is for you to drop this ridiculous persecution of Aunt Elizabeth and go back to cavorting at your rock concerts.”
    “Cavorting!” he exclaimed. “Is that what you think of my performance?” He drew himself up majestically. “I do not cavort.”
    Her lips twitched in reluctant amusement. It seemed she’d scored a hit on a very sensitive nerve. “I meant no offense, Mr. Brody. I’ve never seen you perform,” she said, gazing demurely at him from beneath her lashes. “I thought all rock stars cavorted.”
    “What a damnably condescending description! And for your information, I’m not a rock star.”
    “Whatever,” Tamara said with a shrug, and this seemed to please him even less.
    “You’ve really never seen me perform?” he asked, shaking his dark head disbelievingly. With the simple endearing egotism of a child, he added, “I didn’t think that was possible.”
    She smothered an involuntary smile and tried to frown sternly at him. “This is all completely nonessential, Mr. Brody,” she said briskly. “Now, will you permit Aunt Elizabeth to return that gift and forget about all this nonsense of pressing charges?”
    “Oh yes, your Aunt Elizabeth,” he said absently, and Tamara had the odd impression he’d forgotten about the threat that had made her almost frantic with worry. Then his dark eyes became shuttered and he once more leaned back against the balustrade and smiled mockingly. “It’s not going to be that easy, sweetheart. I happen to be as protective of my aunt as you seem to be of yours. I’m afraid I’m going to need a hostage for your aunt’s future good behavior.”
    “A hostage?” Tamara asked warily. “You can’t mean you’re still suggesting that I become your mistress?”
    “Oh yes, I still intend that you occupy my bed eventually,” he said gently, his dark eyes regretful. “But I must admit you’ve complicated things enormously by appealing to my protective instincts. When I thought you were just a tough little cookie with a fantastic body, I was sure we could negotiate a mutually pleasant exchange of favors.” He sighed morosely. “Now I guess I’ll have to resort to a little blackmail.”
    “Blackmail can be a very ugly crime, Mr. Brody,” she said, her voice shaking with anger.
    “Just calm down, sweetheart,” he said coolly. “I’ve no intention of inviting you into my bed until you’re as eager to go there as I am. I like my women willing. All I’m bargaining for at the moment is the pleasure of your company for the next four weeks. I open in New York day after tomorrow, and then I go on a cross-country tour. I want you to come with me.”
    “Come with you?” Tamara repeated, feeling as if she were caught in the center of a whirlwind. “You mean you want me to just drop everything, disrupt my entire life, and trail around with you like some sort of camp follower?”
    “Yep,” he drawled blandly. “That about covers it. In return, I promise to leave your slightly larcenous relative to her own devices as long as they don’t involve Aunt Margaret. I’ll also promise not to bed you until you say the word.”
    “You have it all worked out,” she observed dryly. “Didn’t it occur to you that I do have a career of my own? I just can’t abandon it to become your own private groupie.”
    “I hardly think Bettencourt will be too enthusiastic about retaining your services after the debaclethis evening,” Brody said, a glint of sympathy in his eyes. “No matter how valuable an employee you are or how close you were in the past, I

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