No Strings Attached

No Strings Attached by Hilary Storm Read Free Book Online

Book: No Strings Attached by Hilary Storm Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hilary Storm
the urge to pester her.  Sliding across my seat, I lean over hers and scare her with my voice.
    "Do you mind closing that sexy mouth of yours?  You're giving me flashbacks that may end up causing a scene right here in this bus."
    After her startled reaction, she smacks me on the arm and pushes me away.
    "What the hell, Luke?  I was sleeping good until you freaking woke me up."  When I lean back up to move over to my seat, I notice Talon watching me over the seats.  I don't give him any reaction, but I know a confrontation is coming soon.
    We get to the venue and begin unloading the gear.  I love how she's acting normal—I was afraid it would be awkward and cause a problem between us. 
    Our meeting goes well and we land five more venues for this tour.  It seems like we'll be busy for about four weeks straight and then have a break for a couple of months.       
    Our show is about thirty minutes from starting, so I move to go backstage only to be stopped by Talon. 
    "I know you're watchin’ yourself and that you don't need me to put you in your place."
    "Not sure what you're talking about, but I'm good."
    "You fucking know what I'm talking about.  Lilly is not one of your whores."  Hearing him say her name and whore in the same sentence does something to me.  I get right in his face, nose to nose.  My thoughts are all over the place as I try to find the exact words that I can actually say. 
    "What I do with Lilly is none of your fucking business."
    "It becomes my business when you begin to fuck around while fucking her, which we know will happen."
    "Fuck off, Talon."
    "You don't deserve her."  His intensity matches my own and I know this is not going to go well.  Sadly, I can't disagree with him.  She does deserve better.  He shoves forward against my chest in a challenge for me to say anything else to set him off further. 
    Eaven pushes between us to face Talon.  My eyes never leave his and his silent threat is very clear. 
    "Talon.  What is wrong with you?  You promised me that you'd leave it alone."  Knowing Eaven is actually defending me warms me.  I know this is huge for her to go against him, and I don't want this to cause a problem in their relationship, but he needs to butt out.
    I turn to walk away only to become face to face with Taron.  Shit.  
    "Is there a problem here?"  Ivy is quick to pull his hand into hers and I just push past him.  Nothing good will come of me trying to justify anything to them when I don't blame them for their actions.  I have no desire to have a relationship right now, and she is someone they don't want to see get hurt.  I understand that. 
    If she could only truly promise no strings, this won’t get complicated, but apparently we have an obvious connection. 
    Hell, the fuckin’ twins even noticed my attraction to her. 
    Watching them all attack Luke pisses me off.  He goes backstage to get away from everyone and I lay into the twins for their idiotic behavior.
    "You have no right to interfere.  There is nothing for you to worry about with Luke.  Who I decide to hook up with has nothing to do with either of you, and I expect you to respect my privacy."
    "Lilly, Luke couldn't keep it in his pants if he wanted to.  You deserve better than that and I won't let him fuck you over."  Talon has always been the more protective one over me.  He demands that I'm given the respect I deserve, and in doing that he has scared off many of my potential guy friends. 
    "Talon.  You stay out of this.  I'm not young and dumb and I deserve the chance to have some fun."  His face doesn't lighten up.
    "I hope you have more respect for yourself than to spread your legs for someone who has probably been between hundreds of legs." 
    "Talon.  If you don't stop right now, we will have a major issue."  Eaven speaks up and moves in front of Talon's face.  He looks down at her and doesn't seem too thrilled to be shut up about this. 
    "You don't have to

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