Noble Intentions: Season Four
sat down, took a moment to get comfortable, then said, "Was hoping you'd show up."
    "Want to take me out for a celebratory dinner?"
    As much as Clarissa denied it, she had thought of Beck frequently while away. Though the offer he'd extended to her had been professional in nature, there
    was additional motive behind it. Beck hadn't admitted it. Probably wouldn't unless she went first. Something she wasn't opposed to doing.
    "Afraid we can't do that tonight. We've got to start working on our first case together."
    "Already?" She knew that they'd have an assignment soon, but had figured upon returning she would help Beck close out his caseload before they started
    something new.
    He nodded and set a USB drive on her desk. "The information you need is on that drive."
    She reached for the device. His gaze never left hers. She shuffled the USB drive from her right hand to her left. Aligned it with a slot on her laptop.
    She pulled her hand back and glanced up at Beck. "What?" she said, making no attempt to hide her annoyance.
    "Don't they teach you anything in that training?"
    "Like the fact that these little drives are one of the top ways we track people these days. Fools carry them everywhere, transmitting their location, the
    information they put on them, even recording audio in some cases."
    She stared blankly at him. "So, you're telling me that you bugged the thumb drive you just gave me?"
    Beck folded his arms and sighed. "Open your middle drawer."
    Clarissa did.
    "In there is a device. Unassuming in looks, it will be your electronic forensics lifesaver. Flip it on and hold it over the drive. Look for red or green."
    She needed no further instruction. The device flashed red then green before turning green permanently.
    "Easy, right?"
    She nodded as she inserted the drive into her laptop.
    "Keep that one in your desk. Use it every day in here." He reached into his pocket and pulled out another. Set it on her desk. "Keep this one on you. Check
    your car, your apartment, the booth you sit down at when you go out to eat. Everything. Everywhere."
    "OK. I got it." She rolled her eyes at him, then glanced to her screen as she navigated with her mouse to the new drive on her computer. "What's this case
    about, anyway?"
    "Known crime boss that the locals and FBI can't make a single charge stick to. He's actually new as a leader. Had been a number two for a few solid years.
    His boss wound up on the wrong end of a sniper's bullet last year. He's since taken over and managed to survive a number of attempts from within his own
    "So what are we going to bring him up on? Tax evasion?"
    "Surprisingly, he's strong there. But there is a counterfeiting operation that we can tie him to. The hope is we can bring him down on that, then let the
    FBI and police go after his underlings on some murder charges and get them to flip."
    "Does this count as special assignment?" she asked. "Wasn't that the reason you stayed on? This new position?"
    Beck frowned as he glanced up at the ceiling. "This does not qualify. They want me to get you up to speed first. That'll involve us taking on a few of
    these cases first. Then we'll get into the real ops."
    "Which will be what? Taking down a shady business owner?" She smiled.
    He shook his head. "Joke now. You'll be wishing that was the case when we're on assignment."
    "We'll see, Beck. We'll see."
    He leaned forward, rose and stepped back to the door. "Anyway, I'm heading home. Take a look through that file and take note of any questions you have.
    We'll get to work in the morning."
    Clarissa waited for a few minutes, then exited her office. She closed and locked the door before heading to the break room for a cup of coffee. The machine
    brewed one cup at a time, so it was always fresh. She added cream and then returned to her office.
    Seated at her desk, she pulled up the drive and scanned the first few folders. There wasn't much of note there. A lot of names, businesses,

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