Not Broken: True Destiny, Book 5

Not Broken: True Destiny, Book 5 by Dana Marie Bell Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Not Broken: True Destiny, Book 5 by Dana Marie Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dana Marie Bell
Tags: Multiples;MMF;Vikings;Gods and Goddesses;erotic
good-bye to Magnus and Morgan on his way out.
    “Let’s go tell Slade and Skye we’re heading out.” Morgan clapped his hand on Magnus’s shoulder. “Your mate should be thrilled.”
    Hell, Magnus was too. Watching Sylvia beat the hell out of trying to get a reluctant homicide cop to move in. “We’ll get Jeff to show Fenris how to set up the equipment.”
    “Good idea.” Travis pulled out his cell phone, heading out of the condo with them. “It’s about time I put the furball on the payroll.”
    “Logan might have something to say about that.” Magnus wasn’t certain Logan wouldn’t pitch a fit of epic proportions. When it came to his kids, the man was a lunatic.
    Then again, Grimm had tortured them all and murdered one of them, so he had a reason to be.
    Travis shrugged. “If we tell him it’s for Slade, he’ll be all right with it.”
    Magnus doubted it, but Fenris was a grown man. If he accepted Travis’s offer, he could deal with Logan. There wasn’t much Logan wouldn’t do to make his children happy.
    Magnus never thought he’d say this, but he was glad his half-sister, Jordan, had married the jotun. Logan and Kir were going to be stellar fathers to her twins.
    Magnus waved good-bye to Travis as he opened the door to his condo. His eyes went wide as the familiar, gut-clenching sounds filled the air. Three heads, two blond and one curly red, were huddled together over a laptop, the intent expressions on their faces causing Magnus to groan.
    “Oh, hell.” Morgan groaned. “Jeff’s introducing them to Vincente.”
    “Mm, Vincente,” Jeff moaned.
    Slade whimpered, his gaze glued to the screen. “Why did I not know of this man?”
    Magnus scowled. Slade shouldn’t make those kinds of sounds over anyone but him and Sylvia.
    Jeff turned and stared at Slade. “Living in a barn for centuries? Lousy cable service in Asgard? Or how about having a skeezeweasel for a master?”
    Slade didn’t even turn as he shot Jeff the finger. Slade licked his lips, and Magnus was ready to send Jeff’s laptop out the window.
    Skye looked over both their heads and mouthed at Morgan “ help me”.
    Magnus walked over and plucked Slade off the sofa. “I think it’s time someone took a nap.”
    Slade sighed dramatically as he cuddled into Magnus. “Damn. And Vincente was just about to take off his pants.”
    Oh, that was it. Jeff’s computer was going to meet its tech god.
    Slade petted Magnus’s chest. “How do you feel about gold lamé briefs?”

Chapter Four
    Slade chuckled as Magnus growled at Jeff. The man looked ready to pounce on the poor, defenseless laptop and maul it to pieces. “Down boy.”
    Those brilliant green eyes turned toward him and he shivered. The heat in his mate’s gaze was burning him up. “You shouldn’t want anyone but your mates, Sleipnir.”
    Oh, someone was pissed. Magnus was the one who insisted on using mortal names. The use of Slade’s jotun name told him exactly how serious Magnus was. Slade lowered his gaze submissively, enjoying the way Magnus’s chest rumbled against him. “Yes, Magni.”
    “We’ll be right back.” Magnus’s gaze darted toward the bedroom door, and Slade shivered.
    Morgan must have known exactly what his twin had in mind, because he took hold of Skye and started walking toward the front door. “C’mon, Jeff. Let’s go talk to Fenris.”
    Jeff picked up the laptop and followed. “Only if I can bring Vincente.”
    Whatever Morgan said in reply went unheard. Slade had far more important things on his mind than Vincente.
    Magnus kissed him, but instead of the sweet, gentle kisses they’d shared before, this one was hot, claiming, demanding that Slade submit to Magnus’s desires. Magnus had been so careful with him, so gentle while he healed, that Slade hadn’t realized he could even kiss like this.
    Slade wanted more. This heat, this passion, the knowledge that Magnus was so fiercely possessive that he would almost forget that Slade was

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