Not For Sharing (Romance with Sizzle)

Not For Sharing (Romance with Sizzle) by Kenzi Costello Read Free Book Online

Book: Not For Sharing (Romance with Sizzle) by Kenzi Costello Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kenzi Costello
around his waist.
    “I like that
idea,” I replied, nodding eagerly.
    He smiled
mischievously. “Although, that does mean I’ll have to feel my way around
    I tightened
my grip, kissed him hard on the mouth and smiled at his boyish cheek. “Nice try
Lieutenant but I’ll have you court-martialled for any bad behaviour.”
    I turned
back to light the grill, put it on medium and then sidled back up to Ethan. I
was feeling a little bit randy by the thought of Ethan in pilot attire.
    “How about if
tomorrow morning, you put that uniform back on, I climb aboard your jet engine
and you fly me to heaven and back?” I cringed as soon as I heard back my own
double-entendres. Still, it was too late to take them back so I overlooked my embarrassment
and tip-toed my fingers up his t-shirt, gazing up at him from beneath my
    “Erm, I’m
not sure, I’ve got to get up early tomorrow to drop Bert off at the airport and
then I’m popping to mums to fit a wardrobe. I may be gone for most of the day,”
he replied, taking my hands and holding them down to his side.
    I felt my
eyes begin to fill up and I fought against allowing the tears to fall. I pulled
away from him in humiliation and frustration, but with female hormones set on
default, I try to conceal my pain with anger.
    “I never see
you anymore Ethe. Our sex-life seems to have been adjourned, and did you know that’s
the second time you’ve turned me down in six months? Yes that’s right, I
haven’t forgotten.” (A girl never forgets a rejection) My voice wavered
and I felt the lump in my throat choking me. I raised my voice up a notch. “What
the fuck is going on?”
    Ethan stood
there shell-shocked at my outburst. I didn’t even give him a right to reply
before I off-load more paranoia onto him.
    “Why have
you been acting so cagey for months? One day you want to tear my clothes off,
and then the next day you disappear out the house or you’re asleep by tea-time?”
    I knew my
eruption would only bring limited relief to my anguish but right there and then
it felt cathartic; I even quite liked how the word ‘ fuck ’ felt on my
tongue. Ethan remained speechless and devastation bit into his face. I almost
began to empathise with him as I saw his shoulders slump.
    He shook his
head, reached out his hands to lie flat on the central worktop and looked me
squarely in the face. His frown was absorbed and serious. My word, even his
frown was just unbelievably sexy. I had to mentally divert my attention
back from the seductive tenseness. What was wrong with me? I felt like my
sexual abstinence had turned me into a horny tramp.
    “Pru, just
leave it there please, you’re being silly, you know I’m crazy about you,” he
said in a quiet, agitated tone. Then he rubbed the back of his neck, as if stalling
for time.
    I knew he
was itching to un-burden himself but my hormones seemed to want to make him
squirm and hurt as much as I did. “You say you’re working late, or your second
cousin twice-removed wants you to check out a new car, or you have to take Jim
to the loo.”
    A cautious
smile crept on to Ethan’s lips so I knew he’d picked up on my tongue-tied
gaffe. “Did you mean to say that I take Lou to the gym?” I knew he was trying
to lighten the grim mood but his flippancy was met with an icy glare.
    “So, what
will be your next excuse Ethe?” I was being very animated at this stage, with
arms flying everywhere and sarcasm on stand-by. “Maybe you could help the postman
deliver his fucking mail? Or will you be too busy testing out bed-springs with
some strippers?!”
    I saw Ethan
try unsuccessfully to repress a snigger, bemused by my nonsensical chatter. 
This just upset me further. If I wasn’t so familiar with his easy-going nature,
it could appear as if he was intent on riling me.
    “Why is
everything always a big joke to you?” I snapped back.
    Ethan’s complacent mood switched
to irritability. “Well right now, I’d say this

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