Now and Again

Now and Again by Brenda Rothert Read Free Book Online

Book: Now and Again by Brenda Rothert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Rothert
noticed the definition of the bulging muscles of his thighs, covered with dark hair and on full display in gray shorts. This was a blatant attempt to make her ogle him. She looked away with a small eye roll.
    “You disapprove of my workout outfit?” he asked, grinning. “Not dressy enough for you?”
    “I don’t disapprove, I just think you like attracting attention,” she said, shrugging.
    “You mean your attention? No one else seems to be checking me out right now.”
    Layla scoffed, wondering if he’d asked her to come just so he could tease her.
    “Are we getting a table?” she asked.
    “Already done.” He led the way to a small booth in the corner, and she slid in, reminding herself not to drink anything alcoholic tonight.
    “I guess you know you’re attracting a lot of attention yourself in that dress,” Ben said. Layla looked down at her fitted turquoise J. Crew dress. She’d taken off the jacket she’d worn over the sleeveless dress at the office.
    “What’s wrong with this? I wore it to work,” she said, furrowing her brows.
    “There’s nothing wrong with it. You look great. But those guys in the next booth were looking at your ass when we sat down. And you definitely have my attention, but that’s always the case.”
    “So you’ve missed me,” she said, dipping a toe into the water of the game he played with her. He grinned widely and was opening his mouth to respond when a waitress approached their table.
    “Hey,” she said to Ben, smiling. Layla felt a flare of jealousy toward the redhead, but kept her face impassive. Ben smiled politely at her and Layla noted he didn’t check her out. The waitress left after they ordered, and Layla sighed, feeling the sexual energy that permeated every encounter with Ben.
    “You seem tense,” he said. “You’re not always wound this tight, are you? Is it because you’re maybe missing something you need? Has it been a while since you’ve had … something that relieves tension?”
    Layla’s lips parted slightly at the boldness of his question.
    “Are you asking--”
    Ben cut her off. “I’m just asking if there’s something you need that I could give you. Like maybe … a cupcake. Everyone loves cupcakes.” His eyes twinkled with amusement, and Layla’s heart picked up speed. His voice was so deep and sexy, and even though he was teasing her, she wasn’t able to make herself get pissed over it.
    “Well, I do love a good cupcake,” she said, a slow smile spreading across her face. “And it has been a while since I had one … but what makes you think I want a cupcake from you?”
    Ben scoffed, raising his eyebrows.
    “I’d give you the best – cupcake – you’ve ever had,” he said, meeting her eyes. “You’d be begging for more. If you want an average cupcake, find someone else. I can only give you the best.”
    “It takes a lot of practice to be the best,” Layla said. “Maybe the thought of being just another cupcake doesn’t appeal to me.”
    Ben shrugged, looking away. “If you prefer some greenhorn, you wouldn’t like me. But I guarantee that after you had my cupcakes, you’d never want anyone else’s again.”
    Layla couldn’t help letting her gaze wander over his thick blond stubble and down to his hard wide chest.
    “That may be true,” she said. “But maybe I’m not as confident in my cupcake making abilities as you are. The thought of your cupcakes is … a little daunting.”
    “That’s the beauty of it, Layla,” Ben said, leaning close enough that she could smell his clean scent. “You just let me do all the work while you enjoy the cupcake.”
    Layla laughed loudly, throwing her head back.
    “You don’t know me very well, Ben,” she said. “I’m not the least bit passive. I think you’ll have to peddle your cupcakes elsewhere.”
    “That’s too bad,” he said, his eyes darkening. “The idea of having a cupcake with you is really appealing.”
    Layla laughed again, trying to conceal her

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