Obsessed (The Lizzy Gardner Series)

Obsessed (The Lizzy Gardner Series) by T.R. Ragan Read Free Book Online

Book: Obsessed (The Lizzy Gardner Series) by T.R. Ragan Read Free Book Online
Authors: T.R. Ragan
to forgive her for betraying him. Everyone makes mistakes, she often reminded him. He pretended to go along with her theory, since he had no intention of telling her what he’d done. As Janelle had done many times since her affair, she told him she loved him and was worried about him.
    He didn’t believe her.
    He raised a hand to his eyes to shield them from the bright light and that’s when he saw a name tag: Tim. That’s right. Tim, the resident pervert. Janelle had told him about the guy and how all the nurses complained about him. A few weeks ago, they’d caught him inside the women’s bathroom.
    Tim was holding a brown paper bag that he hadn’t had with him when he first entered the break room. The pervert stopped at the door and turned back toward Seth, his fingers rubbing his jaw as if he wasn’t sure whether or not he should say what he was about to say. He raised the bag higher. “Thanks for this. And don’t worry about breaking down. I understand. I really do. My ex-wife deceived me, too. Difficult times,” he said with a shake of his head. “Things will get better for you, though. I’m certain of it.”
    And then he was gone.
    Don’t worry about breaking down ? What was he talking about? Did I have an episode without even realizing it? He walked to the mirror hanging above the sink area. His eyes were red and watery, his face pale. Damn. If he could get some sleep, this never would have happened. But it had, and he had zero recollection of having any conversation with Tim. His hands shook as he reached into his pockets. They were empty. He’d given Tim the drugs he’d stolen this morning. How could he be such a fool?
    The erratic beep of the ancient refrigerator in the corner of the room screamed like sirens. He covered both ears and rushed out of the room. He went to his wife’s office and took a seat in front of her computer, starting to feel better. Janelle’s shift would last another hour at least. He pushed a few buttons and turned up the volume.
    The sound of Madeline’s voice instantly calmed him.
    Taking a deep breath, he leaned back in the ergonomic chair with the built-in lumbar support, and exhaled. “Talk to me, Madeline.”
    He had a burning desire to call her and ask her a question, but he knew he needed to be patient. It was still too soon.
    “I wish I had never been born,” a caller said. “My mother was right when she said I was better off dead.”
    “No, she was wrong,” Madeline assured her.
    “You’ve never met me, how would you know?”
    “This is Kimberly, right?”
    “I’ve been hoping you would call back,” Madeline told the girl. “I’ve been worried about you.”
    “You are not alone in this. I am here for you.”
    Seth was certain Madeline was talking to him and no one else. His shoulders relaxed, his breathing calmed.

    “You know this is crazy being out here in the middle of the night, right?”
    Hayley ignored Kitally and focused on the sound of each footfall against the pavement as she walked. Every once in a while she glanced at the moon. She wasn’t used to having someone around on her nighttime walks. She liked her privacy. She liked the darkness, the peacefulness, the quiet . . . especially the quiet.
    Kitally was her opposite, seemingly energized by being around large groups of people. She thrived on mindless chatter. As far as Hayley was concerned, people were exhausting.
    Hayley wasn’t big on questioning her motives for walking the streets at night, but tonight was different and she found herself wondering why she hadn’t told Jessica to fuck off. Jessica hadn’t called or come by since she quit working for Lizzy two years ago. And that was all fine and good, but for Jessica to call her after all this time because she needed a favor didn’t sit well with Hayley.
    Jessica was smart enough to know that Hayley wasn’t fond of doing anyone any favors. She certainly wasn’t doing this for the money. Hell,

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