Obsidian Son (The Temple Chronicles Book 1)
continued the poem.
    “ Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling, by the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore …”
    Her voice hissed back the only acceptable answer. “ Quoth the raven, Nevermore .”

Chapter 6

    M y friends stood beside me now, alarmed. Each syllable of her words was laced with magical seduction. Emphasis on magical . “You must read a fair bit, Temple.”
    Gunnar’s eyes weighed me. “I thought you were the only one who read ancient crap like that. And how did she hear you?” He whispered.
    The woman took several slow, seductive steps towards the main floor, hips swaying deliciously. She made it hard to focus. “I hear many things, Wulfric . But be a good doggy, and speak only when spoken to.” Gunnar’s jaw dropped further. She continued without missing a beat. “What kind of bookstore do you run, Temple?” She picked up a copy of Atlas Shrugged on a display case at the bottom of the stairs. “This isn’t even a first edition.” A slimy, oily fire suddenly spread from her fingertips, smothering the priceless tome. “Oh, my mistake. It was.” The book crumbled to ash in seconds. What the hell kind of power was that ?
    I was sure that Gunnar comprehended the ancient appellation she had given him, as he was very adept at his Norse heritage. Wulfric translated to Wolf King . Treading carefully, I chose civility. Courtesy was a good bet when dealing with ancient magical beings — courtesy or raw power.
    Having chosen the latter with the Minotaur, I gambled on the former this time.
    “We’re closed for the evening, Madame. Pray come back in the morning, and I’ll allow you to pay for the damage to my book.”
    “Hmmm… But a girl can’t be too patient. She wants what she wants… when she wants it.” She dropped her cloak, revealing utterly nude ivory skin, unblemished, and perfectly contoured with pleasant curves. I tried to mask my surprise… and lustful admiration. I was confident that I had never seen a body look so good. “But I do know how to repay a favor, bookkeeper.” Her hand crept between her legs, skimming her round breasts in the process, her nipples instantly tightening. A small moan escaped her lips, and her eyes became glassy. My pants tightened instinctively, and her moan grew lustier, as if she had somehow sensed my reaction.
    Her eyes came back to mine, and I realized for the first time that her pupils were not circular. Not human. They were horizontal slits, and her irises were a vibrant yellow. The exact same shade as the oily fire she had used to incinerate my book. Remembering that touch helped me regain focus like a cold shower would a pubescent boy. “I am seeking a book. An ancient family tome, titled Sons of the Dying Sun . Find it for me, and your payment will be… climactic .” She flashed me a sultry grin.
    Her voice threatened to overwhelm me with more than mere words. She was using old magic. Powerful magic. I felt erotic fingers massaging the deeper areas of my brain, coaxing me to listen and obey her as she so adroitly caressed the pleasure centers. A quick glance at my friends revealed they weren’t faring well with the battle for self-control. Their feet began to carry them to the doorway leading downstairs. I laced my own voice with magic, hoping to break whatever spell she was casting. But her power grew thicker, stronger. I decided to stop speaking polite Old English. “I will keep my eye out, but I am not a big fan of creepy, naked women showing up at my place of business… despite contrary rumors.”
    She grinned again, her magic growing ever thicker, as if flexing, but I continued, silently halting her with every ounce of power I had. I could feel my control slipping, wanting nothing other than to rip my clothes off and meet her downstairs for a quickie. Or a longie. Whatever she would allow. I noticed sweat on my temples, and momentarily imagined her licking it away and I froze. Fuck that. I lashed out

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