meant he truly did have something particular in mind and something she knew instinctively would change them. Forever. This was the night of her choice, her ending of a life as she knew it and a glorious chapter . If she was ready.
Quivering deep inside, s he could only imagine what the something special could be. Was he going to bring over some form of play equipment? No, that wasn’t what this was about. Was he going to punish her for all her indiscretions? Probably but she knew she wanted him to. He’d only in truth disciplined her a couple of times after she’d asked but there was so much he was holding back. Her heart and her gut told her that. Why? Perhaps Luke didn’t want to push her away. After all, he was still a man. The thought gave her a smile. In truth, he was easing her into the lifestyle.
Shaking her head, she stood in front of her bathroom vanity and smiled, gazing at the reflection of the woman staring back at her. While somehow she’d anticipated haunted eyes on the morning before her entire life changed , instead th ey were bright and full of life . Jessie leaned forward to make certain she wasn’t seeing things. No, she looked positively radiant and her eyes twinkled in almost defiance. Oh wouldn’t that bode well for submitting to her Master? Giggling, she cocked her head and grinned. Her skin was glowing, her smile genuine and while her heart raced, sending a series of echoes into her ears, she was so very ready. And utterly terrified.
After brushing her teeth, she walked into the bedroom and turned on the radio while selecting her day clothes to wear . Than k God it was warm outside or the evening’s rather sultry dress wouldn’t be appropriate. Then again, they weren’t going out. At least that’s what he’d told her. He’d been gone too long away on business and she genuinely missed the hell out of him. Luke had become not just her lover but also her best friend. And now he will become my Dom . Thinking the words never grew old.
Sighing, she headed into the living room and for the umpteenth time checked her email. He was already on the plane. Yep. That was it. Resigned, she realized she was more than just disappointed. Jessie couldn’t help but chuckle. How old was she again? The moment she walked into the kitchen her cell phone rang. Jerking the damn thing off the counter, she almost dropped it with a hard thud on the floor. Purchasing a new phone she didn’t need added to the mix. Breathless with anticip ation, she glanced at the small screen , hoping, expecting and when she saw her best friend’s number pop up she actually snarled. And then she had to laugh. This was her best gal pal after all.
“Hey , Tina, how are you?” There was no doubt where this call was going and while she wanted not only to go out with her friends and play, just not tonight.
“It’s Saturday night. Time to party with the girls,” Tina cooed.
“Can’t tonight.” Tina knew about Luke but she didn’t “know” about him. Wrinkling her nose, Jessie knew this was the first girl friend she was going to tell, it was simply when. She was the one woman the night she’d met Luke who had taken Jessie into the bathroom and said simply, you’re allowed to find the man of your dreams. Go for him.
“Hot date?”
Opening and closing her mouth, Jessie was trying to figure out what to say when she heard Tina squeal.
“Oh my God! You are really doing him, aren’t you? I knew you had it in you! ”
“Doing him? How old are we?”
“Very old,” Tina said as she sighed. “Lucky girl. He’s one damn hottie. I’d join you if you were into girls.”
The comment more than surprising, Jessie burst into laughter. “Well… I didn’t think you liked Luke .”
“What the hell is not to like? He’s sexy and hot and I could so do him.” Laughing, Tina finally sighed. “Look. Does he treat you well?”
“Very.” Jessie could feel heat rising on her face. “Oh very much so.”
“And you
Gerry Davis, Alison Bingeman