On Lone Star Trail

On Lone Star Trail by Amanda Cabot Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: On Lone Star Trail by Amanda Cabot Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Cabot
Tags: FIC042040, FIC027020
locked in a passionate kiss. Gillian wasn’t surprised by the kiss. Teenagers, afterall, were teenagers. What surprised her was the identity of the couple. She would never have pictured Brianna, with her heavy makeup, overly short skirt, and revealing sweater, with Todd, the nerd.
    TJ shook his head. “Young love. It’ll never last.”

    S o, how did it go?”
    Gillian smiled. Though Kate had claimed she’d come to Gillian’s cabin to make sure she had everything she needed, Gillian knew better. Her friend’s curiosity about the trip to Firefly Valley was the real reason she’d knocked on the door.
    â€œReally well, thanks to TJ. He was amazing with those kids.”
    Kate lowered herself onto one of the upholstered chairs, her smile as broad as Gillian’s. “I’m not surprised. He was pretty amazing at supper—not at all what I expected after the way you described him. If I weren’t a happily married woman expecting my first child, I might have entertained a fantasy or two about him.”
    â€œI’m shocked.” Though Gillian’s words were laced with sarcasm, there was a grain of truth to them. TJ was not the kind of man she would have expected to attract Kate.
    â€œI was only kidding, Gillian. You know Greg’s the only man for me. But I have to admit it was fun to see your reaction. For a woman who claims she has no interest in love and marriage, you looked just a tad upset by the thought of competition.”
    â€œYou’re mistaken, Kate. Sadly mistaken. Either that or matchmaking is contagious. Fortunately, I’m immune.”
    Kate shrugged. “So you say. But tell me, what did you learn about the oh so attractive TJ Benjamin? Is he married?”
    â€œDo you really think I’d ask him that? In case you didn’t notice, he was pretty uncomfortable when you asked him what he did for a living. I wasn’t about to pry.” But Gillian had noticed the absence of a wedding ring and that he had made no mention of a woman in his life. “If I had to guess, I’d say he’s a confirmed bachelor having his midlife crisis a decade or so ahead of schedule.”
    â€œYou could be right. That would explain why he’s traveling instead of teaching.”
    But it did not explain the sadness Gillian had seen in his eyes. Though she’d told herself that it, like TJ’s marital status, was none of her business, she couldn’t help wondering what had caused it. And wasn’t that silly? Though their paths had crossed, in another day or two, they’d diverge again. There was no reason—absolutely no reason—to be so concerned. It was time to change the subject.
    â€œHave you and Greg picked out names for the baby?”

    â€œAre you sure you don’t mind driving me?”
    Gillian shook her head, surprised by TJ’s question. She thought they’d resolved that at breakfast when she’d mentioned going into town and had offered him a ride. Though he hadn’t said anything, she suspected he was chafing at the forced inactivity while he waited for his bike to be repaired. Dupree was hardly a metropolis, but it might occupy TJ for an hour or so.
    â€œOf course I don’t mind.” She opened the door to her rental car and slid behind the wheel. “You never can tell. I might decide to become a chauffeur.” It was a joke, of course. Between herdisability insurance and the income from the trust fund her father had established for her, she had no financial needs. What she needed was something to make her feel creative and productive.
    Chuckling, TJ slung an obviously expensive camera around his neck and slid into the passenger’s seat. “I’m trying to picture you in one of those chauffeur hats with the shiny brims, but the image won’t come into focus.”
    â€œI guess that means I need to find something else to do.” And that was the crux of the problem.

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