Saddle Sore

Saddle Sore by Bonnie Bryant Read Free Book Online

Book: Saddle Sore by Bonnie Bryant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Bryant
up, “so it’s becoming a two-hour walk to the ranch house. I
don’t want my wheelchair. Iwant to let it get all dusty and cobwebby under my bunk. I’m not going to use it at all this week.”
    Lisa could see how determined Emily was. “We want to do what’s best for you,” she said.
    “What’s best for me is a big plate of chicken and noodles. That, and no wheelchair. See, Stevie?” she added, as she started up the ramp to the ranch house porch. “It didn’t take me two hours after all.”
    “You’re the one who said it would,” Stevie retorted. “I never thought it would take you longer than an hour and a half.”
    Emily laughed. “I’m glad to be around people who have faith in me.”
    Carole opened the door to the house. “We’re just glad to be around you,” she said.

I NSIDE , ONLY SEVEN places were set for dinner. As the girls sat down, Kate and Mrs. Devine came out of the kitchen with big platters of chicken and noodles and steamed vegetables. Carole jumped up to help them bring out rolls and fruit salad.
    “Where is everybody?” Stevie asked.
    Kate and Mrs. Devine looked at each other. “Well, the honeymooners are taking some more moonlight rides,” Mrs. Devine said. Colonel Devine came in and sat down, and they all started eating.
    “Monica won’t come to dinner,” Kate addedsadly. “Her mom came and got some food to take back to their bunkhouse.”
    “She said Monica was tired from the trip,” Mrs. Devine explained, putting a sympathetic arm around Kate’s shoulder.
    “She also said Monica was embarrassed,” Kate said, sounding disappointed and hurt. “She came up to Mom and whispered, ‘Monica doesn’t want the girls to see her with, you know, one leg.’ As if we cared about that!”
    “Plus, we’ve already seen her with, ‘you know, one leg,’ ” Stevie said. “That doesn’t make sense. She’s not likely to grow a new leg while she’s here, so unless she plans on staying inside her bunkhouse the whole time, we’re going to see her with one leg.”
    “I know,” Kate said gloomily. “I wish—I mean, we
friends. Why would she be embarrassed to be around me?”
    “Don’t be hard on her,” Carole said gently. “Everything’s still so new for her that it’s got to be difficult. This is only her first night here, and she doesn’t know us at all. No wonder she’s feeling shy. Kate, I’m sure she still counts you as a friend—she’s just having a hard time right now.”
    “Anyone would be,” Lisa said. She couldn’timagine the adjustment it would take. “I’m sure she’ll feel better by the end of the week.”
    “Unfortunately,” Mrs. Devine said, as she passed the vegetables to Stevie, “I don’t think the Hopkinses are going to stay here that long.”
    “Mom!” Kate said. “They made reservations for a week!”
    “Monica’s miserable,” Mrs. Devine replied. “She’s so unhappy that they really regret coming. Mrs. Hopkins told me she and her husband never thought it was a good idea. Monica’s been crying all afternoon. She can’t ride, she says, and that’s all she ever did when they came here before.”
    “I suppose seeing us all on horseback didn’t help,” Kate said gloomily. She set her fork down and pushed the plate away.
    “How ever Monica’s feeling right now, it’s not your fault,” her father told her sternly. “You just go on being her friend as best you can, and let her work out her problems.” He spoke to his wife. “Monica should be able to ride, though, shouldn’t she? I can’t think of a reason why she shouldn’t. She can start on our new trails, if she feels unsteady—but she was such a good rider, I’m sure she’ll be able to compensate.”
    Emily spoke up. “Her seat’ll feel the same, and she’ll be able to use the reins just as well. Did she ever ride English?”
    Kate shook her head. “Just Western. She used to barrel race sometimes.”
    “She’ll have to get used to carrying a crop,

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