On the Hook

On the Hook by Cindy Davis Read Free Book Online

Book: On the Hook by Cindy Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Davis
Tags: Suspense
    “We didn’t. We stocked coolers with what we needed.”
    Definitely sounded like she’d done her research.
    “I have one huge reservation,” Smith said. “I feel like I’m being thrown into the coliseum with a herd of lions.”
    “A pride of lions,” Westen corrected, but as she said it, a new feeling of trepidation struck. Smith had been the one gung-ho to do this. What, in the last few minute’s discussion turned the tide? She let her mind flash over the conversation, but nothing about it raised red flags.
    “What’s wrong?” asked KJ.
    “Well, you told us the company has investigators. Why aren’t they investigating?”
    “They are. As a matter of fact they’re already in Chicago.”
    Westen finally saw Smith’s point. “So, why would you need us, besides the fact that one investigator dislikes you with a passion?”
    “My bosses are desperate. Do you know what losing the painting could do to the company’s reputation? They said the more heads working on this, the better chance there was of the painting being recovered.”
    Westen raised a hand and waved it at KJ. “Wait. Wait. Wait.” When she stopped talking, Westen said to Smith, “You realize that unless we find the painting, we don’t get paid. Not a cent.” She let the implications of the situation sink in. When Smith didn’t respond, she added, to KJ, “I don’t have the money for goose-chase plane flights, nor can I take time away from the shop.”
    Smith gave a solemn nod and moved out of the booth. Westen followed and they left the diner together, as they had the evening before.
    “It was a good idea while it lasted,” Smith said.
    “I knew it was too good to be true.” Without any pay, Westen couldn’t chance this. “It’s been nice knowing you. Keep me posted how the snake does for you.”
    She turned right on the sidewalk, Smith went left and they walked out of each other’s lives.
    Back at the pet shop, there was only one customer and Grady was tending to him. She went to her office and flopped in the padded chair. Over the years, the cushion had conformed to her husband’s backside. When she’d first taken over the shop after Ben’s death, she’d felt safe and protected in the chair. Right now, the last thing she wanted was to feel close to Ben. Right now, she was really pissed with him for putting her in this financial apocalypse. Westen leaped from the chair. It crashed against the wall.
    “Something wrong, boss?” Grady stood in the door as if embarrassed to catch her in a moment of emotion.
    “No. Er, no. Did you need something?”
    “Yeah. I wondered if you’d have a few minutes to talk after we close tonight.”
    “Um…sure. Anything wrong?”
    “Yes, I—” The jangle of the bell above the door interrupted. “I’ll take care of it. We’ll talk later.”
    Once the office door squeaked shut behind him, she sagged against the edge of the desk. What could he want to talk about that required privacy? It couldn’t be good. Probably his wife was pregnant again and he was quitting to find another job with better pay. She couldn’t blame him. But right now Westen couldn’t offer him a raise. Nor could Hughes Pets afford to lose him.
    She flattened her palms on the desk. How was it possible for so many things to go wrong for one person at the same time? She must’ve done something really awful in a past life.
    Closing time came all too soon. Westen returned from making the bank deposit—a tiny bit healthier one than yesterday, which should be a reason for an optimistic outlook. But she couldn’t stop thinking about that painting—and the number of zeroes in the recovery money. She’d been so wrapped up in ideas as to where the painting might be that she forgot about Grady. He stood waiting near the puppy cage, his hand rubbing the tummy of a longhaired male dachshund that looked enraptured. Typical male.
    Westen entered the building, locked the door, and shut out the lights. In the

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