Once Found: The Pocket Watch Chronicles

Once Found: The Pocket Watch Chronicles by Ceci Giltenan Read Free Book Online

Book: Once Found: The Pocket Watch Chronicles by Ceci Giltenan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ceci Giltenan
tube going into your bladder.”
    “Oh.” That had terrified her when she first became aware of it. “I don’t like it here.”
    He smiled. “But this is the best place to be until you are better.”
    She hadn’t just meant this hospital. She wanted to go home to her own time as soon as possible. For an instant, she considered saying the word. No, you can’t do that. Elizabeth needs time .
    Jennifer returned. “Since you are awake and alert, Dr. Harper wrote for oral oxycodone. She’s also ordered a regular diet, so I brought you some graham crackers and apple juice. Sometimes oxycodone can make you queasy, but eating a little with it helps. Normally, before someone gives you medication, they are supposed to ask you your full name and birthdate.”
    “But you know who I am. Apparently better than I do.”
    Gabe chuckled and Jennifer smiled. “Yes, I do know who you are, but I still have to ask. It’s an extra step to make sure the right person is getting the right medicine. I know you don’t know your birthdate, but can you tell me your full name?”
    “Elizabeth Quinn.” That answer felt so odd.
    “Okay, Elizabeth. Your birthdate is January 31 st , 1978. See if you can remember that for the next time someone asks.”
    “I’ll try.”
    Gabe helped her sit up and Jennifer handed her a small clear cup with a perfectly round white disk in it that was engraved with some symbols.
    “What is this?”
    “It’s the oxycodone, the pain medicine.”
    Elsie frowned at it. “What do I do with it?”
    “You swallow it.”
    “I don’t think I can do that.”
    Gabe smiled. “It’s easy. Take a drink of water first. Then put the tablet on the back of your tongue and take another drink. Just let it go down with the water as you swallow.”
    Elsie tried a couple times but the tablet, as Gabe had called it, stayed stubbornly in her mouth.
    “Try one more time. Sometimes, it helps if you tip your head back as you swallow,” said Jennifer. “If you can’t swallow it this way, we can try putting it in applesauce.”
    Elsie tried again, and it finally worked.
    Jennifer smiled at her. “Very good. It should start working soon. Dr. Soldani, if you’ll excuse us for a moment, I’m going to cap her IV and take the Foley out.”
    Gabe started to leave. “Gabe, I…I don’t want you to leave.”
    “I’m not leaving, sweetheart. I am just going to step out of the room to give you privacy. I’ll come back as soon as Jennifer is done.”
    “It will only take a minute. I promise,” said Jennifer. She proceeded to put on a pair of gloves that looked as if they were made of skin. The expression on Elsie’s face must have prompted Jennifer to explain. “These are latex gloves. They protect my hands and keep germs off of them. Here, take a look at one.”
    Jennifer handed her the flimsy glove. Elsie turned it over in her hand, looking at it. She would have tried to put it on, but with the left arm splinted, she didn’t think she could manage. “What are germs?”
    “They are organisms that are so tiny we can’t see them, but they make us sick.”
    Elsie wasn’t sure she understood that, but she didn’t ask more.
    Jennifer explained everything she was doing as she did it, making Elsie much less nervous. When Jennifer was done, she made sure Elsie was comfortable, rolled a table into position over her bed and put a packet containing two brown squares and a small clear vessel filled with an amber liquid on the table. “If you need anything, push this button and someone will come to help you. I’ll send Gabe back in.”
    “Thank you,” said Elsie. She was examining the packet when Gabe returned. “Are these the graham crackers she mentioned?”
    “How do I open the packet?”
    Gabe took it from her. “You just tear the cellophane like this.” He handed her the open package.
    “But it’s ruined then.”
    “It isn’t intended to be used again. It’s disposable.” Perhaps realizing that she

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