watching—and now Meg was here too! ‘Poor skin turgor.’ Ben continued with his assessment then shook his head as he saw the slight shake of her hands as Celeste held the floppy arm with one hand and poised the needle with the other. ‘I’ll do it.’ He took over without further comment and she was glad that he had. As a fat little baby, his veins would be hard to find at the best of times, but collapsed from dehydration they were proving extremely difficult and even Ben, with very steady hands, took a couple of goes to establish IV access, eventually finding a vein in his foot.
‘I’m in.’ He took some bloods and held the IV in firm place as Celeste connected it to a drip and then taped and wrapped it, carefully splinting his foot as Mum hovered close. As Ben relayed the IV fluids he wanted the babe to receive, he glanced up at Celeste with a quick addition. ‘Could you put on a mask, please?’
She didn’t see him putting on a mask, and neither was he asking Meg to. She gritted her teeth, for now she did as she was told. It was becoming an all too familiar pattern—in the couple of weeks that they had been working together Ben had become rather—forwant of a word—annoying! She was already being looked out for by her colleagues and was uncomfortable enough with that, but Ben seemed to be on a mission to ensure that she saw only the safest, calmest, least infectious patients and if he wasn’t suggesting that she put on a mask he was reminding her to wash her hands!
As if she needed reminding!
Still, with Ben now speaking with the mother, it was hardly the time or place for discussion—she’d save it for later.
‘He’s nine months old,’ Ben checked with the anxious mum as Celeste sweated behind her mask. ‘Is that right?’
‘Only just nine months,’ his mum said. ‘I know he looks older.’
‘How long as he been sick?’ Ben asked.
‘He started vomiting yesterday, three, maybe four times.’
‘And this morning?’ He fired questions as he continued to examine the baby and ordered a bolus dose of fluids for him. Celeste had already put him on oxygen and the paediatricians were on their way down, but Ben was examining his abdomen carefully, concerned that it was the surgeons that they needed. ‘What colour is the vomit?’
‘Okay…’ He checked the baby’s nappy and, still not happy with the abdomen, asked Meg to page the surgeons. Having spoken briefly with the mother, he rang Imaging to order an urgent ultrasound.
‘I think it’s an ileus,’ Ben said, standing on hold onthe phone at the nurses’ station as Celeste pointedly washed her hands at the little sink there, yet annoyingly as she dried her hands he pushed the bottle of alcohol hand rub towards her.
‘Does that diagnosis mean I can go in there without a mask now?’ Celeste asked, and then she frowned. ‘Or is that suddenly an airborne disease too?’ She watched his jaw tighten.
‘You just need to be careful,’ Ben pointed out. ‘At that age, he could have measles, chickenpox, slap cheek…’
‘Here.’ He pushed the bottle of hand scrub to her again as she climbed onto the stool to write her notes, but she ignored it.
‘You should use this,’ he insisted.
‘Why?’ Celeste challenged.
‘Because we don’t know what’s wrong with the baby yet, because you should—’
‘Ben.’ She clicked off her pen and put it down. ‘While I appreciate your concern, I really don’t need you to look out for me.’
‘I’m not looking out for you—I’m just—’
‘Making me paranoid!’ Celeste said. ‘Ben, I can beat you on the paranoid stakes with this pregnancy any day!’
He doubted that, but bit his tongue.
‘I’m just ensuring that you take sensible precautions,’ he said instead.
‘I’ve spoken with my obstetrician, with the infectious diseases nurse, with Meg, and I’m using universal precautions. I’m being as sensible and as careful as possible, but dealing with sick