One Touch of Magic

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Book: One Touch of Magic by Amanda Mccabe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Mccabe
Tags: Romance
one of my favorites.”
    She held up an ivory comb, carved with a fantastical, dragonlike creature that writhed along its handle, entwined with flowers and leaves.
    Miles suddenly had an odd flash, a picture in his mind of Lady Iverson seated beside a fire, her dark hair spread over her shoulders. She wore only a simple white tunic, and she pulled the pretty ivory comb through her curls. She looked up at him, and gave him a smile so full of passion and sweetness that it pierced right to his heart.
    He closed his eyes against this odd, disturbing vision. He barely knew Lady Iverson, and soon they would have to have a serious discussion about her leaving the work she so obviously loved. It would never do to imagine her in such an intimate way, even if it made sense—which it did not.
    He pressed his hand to his brow, and his mind went blank.
    “Lord Ransome?” he heard her say. Her voice sounded worried, but quite ordinary. It brought him back to the present moment, to the reality of their situation. “Are you ill?”
    He opened his eyes, and looked down at her. She stared at him with her almond-shaped, dark eyes. “No, not at all. A mere instant of dizziness.”
    “It is rather warm in here,” she said. “I cannot work in here for very long myself. Shall we go back outside?”
    “Yes, of course.” Miles watched as she replaced the comb on its labeled spot on the table, then offered her his arm to lead her back out into the sunlight.
    Fortunately, the vision or picture or whatever it had been, had quite vanished, as if it were just so much mist. But it left a most odd feeling in its wake, and he could no longer see Lady Iverson in quite the same manner he had before—as a pretty, interesting lady he would like to get to know better. Something new and intense came forward when she laid her hand on his arm, something he did not understand at all.
    Perhaps he should speak to her now about the land and his plans for it. It would be better to have that all out in the open, to have honesty and reality between them.
    “Lady Iverson,” he began.
    “Yes, Lord Ransome?” she said, turning her gaze up to him.
    Blast, but it was harder than he would have thought to speak to her about such things, when she looked at him so guilelessly.
    But he had to do it. “I think I should tell you—”
    “Sarah! Lord Ransome!” a voice called, and Mary Ann Bellweather came dashing up the pathway, a leather portfolio in her arms. “There you are. You had quite disappeared.”
    Lady Iverson turned to her sister with a smile, and Miles could have kissed the girl’s cheek for saving him. He did have to speak about the land, but he felt a rather deep relief that he wouldn’t have to just yet. It was cowardly of him, he knew, but there it was.
    Now he could just enjoy the rest of the afternoon in Lady Iverson’s company.

Chapter Six
    Sarah watched as Lord Ransome examined Mary Ann’s sketches. He was obviously not as ignorant as he claimed, because he asked very intelligent questions about the drawings and the site. Mary Ann chatted and laughed, her cheeks pink with delight that someone was looking at her work.
    They might have opposing ideas about the best use for this land, Sarah thought, but she could not help but be thankful to him for drawing Mary Ann out. Her sister had been uncharacteristically quiet since she came here, and Sarah knew she was moping over the lost Mr. Hamilton. Sarah had considered taking away the novels she was always reading, and asking Phoebe not to send her any more, because they were giving her false ideas of love and romance.
    Today, though, she chattered just like the old Mary Ann, holding up a sketch of a reconstructed Viking house. She pointed out the central hearth, the built-in benches along the walls which would be covered with furs for sleeping at night. Lord Ransome nodded, carefully listening to her.
    Sarah pretended to be absorbed in writing in her notebook. She was meant to be taking notes on

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