
Orlando by Virginia Woolf Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Orlando by Virginia Woolf Read Free Book Online
Authors: Virginia Woolf
Trautmann (Hogarth Press, 1975–80).
    Moments of Being: Unpublished Autobiographical Writings of Virginia Woolf,
ed. Jeanne Schulkind (1975; 2nd edn, Hogarth Press, 1985).
    A Writer’s Diary,
ed. Leonard Woolf (Hogarth Press, 1954).
    Susan Mary Alsop,
Lady Sackville: A Biography
(Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1978).
    Frank Baldanza, ‘Orlando and the Sackvilles’ in
PMLA (Proceedings of the Modern Language Association
) (No. 70, 1955, pp. 274–9).
    Quentin Bell,
Virginia Woolf: A Biography,
2 vols. (Hogarth Press, 1972).
    Edward Bishop,
A Virginia Woolf Chronology
(Macmillan, 1989).
    Louise DeSalvo, ‘Lighting the Cave: The Relationship between Vita Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf in
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society
(Winter 1982, pp. 195–214).
    _____‘A Note on the Orlando Tapestries at Knole House’ in
Virginia Miscellany
(No. 13, 1979, pp. 3–4).
    Leon Edel,
Literary Biography,
(1959; Indiana University Press, 1973, especially pp. 134–45).
    Alice Fox,
Virginia Woolf and the English Renaissance
(OUP, 1990).
    Victoria Glendinning,
Vita: The Life of Vita Sackville-West
(Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1983).
    David Bonnel Greene, ‘Orlando and the Sackvilles: Addendum’ in
(No. 71, 1956, pp. 268–9).
    Ellen Hawkes, ‘Woolf’s Magical Garden of Women’ in
New Feminist Essays on Virginia Woolf,
ed. Jane Marcus (University of Nebraska Press, 1981, pp. 31–60).
    Frederick Kellerman, ‘A New Key to Virginia Woolf’s
English Studies
(No. 59, 1978, pp. 138–50).
    Sherron E. Knopp, ‘ “If I Saw You Would You Kiss Me?” Sapphism and the Subversiveness of Virginia Woolf’s
(No. 103, 1988, pp. 24–34).
    Betty Kushen, ‘ “Dreams of Golden Domes”: Manic Fusion in Virginia Woolf’s
Literature and Psychology
(No. 29, 1979, PP. 53–66).
    Jean O. Love,
and Its Genesis: Venturing and Experimenting in Art, Love and Sex’ in
Virginia Woolf: Reevaluation and Continuity,
ed. Ralph Freedman (University of California Press, 1980, pp. 189–218).
    Herbert Marder,
Feminism and Art: A Study of Virginia Woolf
(University of Chicago Press, 1968).
    Madeline Moore, ‘Orlando: An Edition of the Manuscript’ in
Twentieth Century Literature
(No. 25, 1979, pp. 303–55).
    Nigel Nicolson,
Portrait of a Marriage
(Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1973).
    Phyllis Rose,
Woman of Letters: A Life of Virginia Woolf
(OUP, 1978).
    Sonya Rudikoff, ‘How Many Lovers Had Virginia Woolf’ in the
Hudson Review
(32, No. 4, 1979, pp. 540–66).
    Beverly Ann Schlack,
Continuing Presences: Virginia Woolf’s Use of Literary Allusion
(Pennsylvania State University Press, 1979).
    Clifton Snider, ‘ “A Single Self”: A Jungian Interpretation ofVirginia Woolf’s
Modern Fiction Studies
(No. 25, 1979, pp. 263–8).
    Susan M. Squier,
Virginia Woolf and London: The Sexual Politics of the City
(University of North Carolina Press, 1985).
    _____‘Tradition and Revision in Woolf’s
: Defoe and the Jessamy Brides’ in
Women’s Studies
    Lytton Strachey,
Elizabeth and Essex
(Harcourt Brace, 1928).
    Pamela Transue, ‘Orlando’, Chapter V of
Virginia Woolf and the Politics of Style
(State University of New York Press, 1986, pp. 111–26).
    Joanne Trautmann,
The Jessamy Brides: The Friendship of Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West (Pennsylvania State University Studies,
No. 36, 1973).
    Jean Moorcraft Wilson,
Virginia Woolf: Life and London, a Biography of Place
(Cecil Woolf, 1987).
    Leonard Woolf,
An Autobiography,
2 vols. (Hogarth Press, 1967–9; OUP, 1980).
    Alex Zwerdling,
Virginia Woolf and the Real World
(University of California Press, 1986).
A Note on the Text
    Woolf composed
in a high state of exhilaration: ‘I have written this book quicker than any: & it is all a joke; & yet gay & quick reading I think: a writers holiday.’ 1 She began writing on 7 or 8 October 1927, and set down the last words shortly before 1 a.m. on the

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