Ossendar: Book Two of the Resoration Series

Ossendar: Book Two of the Resoration Series by Christopher Williams Read Free Book Online

Book: Ossendar: Book Two of the Resoration Series by Christopher Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christopher Williams
uncomfortable. It was Algin who spoke and he seemed angry, “We do not like this any better than you do. This is not something that we enjoy!” The timid and confused old man was gone, and Mikela got her first glimpse of why Algin was the head of the magi council. “This is something that we have to do for our protection, and for yours.”
    Thoroughly confused now, Mikela shook her head. “What do you mean my protection? Protection from whom?”
    Algin sighed deeply and considered her, “I probably shouldn't have said that. Oh well, it's too late now.”
    Mikela looked around at the council members, they all seemed to be avoiding her gaze. “What is going on? Why are you talking about protection?”
    Algin leaned forward in his chair, “From the church, of course. If they thought that we allowed a fighter to learn the magical arts, they would surely hunt us down.” He paused for a moment and smiled sadly at the stunned look on Mikela's face. “My dear young lady, we have to keep a vigilant eye on our members. It's a horrible thing that we do when we find a mage who is teaching fighters, but it must be done. If we did not do this, then the church would surely ban magic.”
    A middle-aged man on the far left spoke up, “Wizardry is gone and sorcery is almost gone. Would you have magic join them?” All the members of the council looked grim at his words.
    Mikela looked at each of the faces in turn, and realized that each of them burned with fear. “What is it you want me to do? I know Flare, and I do not think for one moment that he would break the law and learn magic, and besides who would he find that would teach him?” A horrified thought occurred to her as she spoke these words, “You don't think that I'm teaching him magic. Do you?”
    “No. Of course not.” Algin said quickly. Judging by the looks on some of the council member's faces, some of them still considered it a possibility. “We are concerned that the elven mage might be teaching him, though.”
    It took a moment for his words to sink in, “Enstorion! Surely you don't think he would break our most sacred vows and teach magic to a fighter?”
    “We are concerned,” was all that Algin said in answer. “They are both elven and who knows what an elf will do?”
    Mikela was sick to her stomach, “I know both of them and I cannot for one minute think that they would do this thing!” She said vehemently.
    “As I have already said, we are not accusing anyone.” Algin repeated in a calming voice, “We are simply concerned and trying to prevent anything bad from happening.”
    Mikela's eyes narrowed, “And what is it you want me to do?”
    “Nothing wrong, I assure you. We simply want you to keep a look out for anything out of the ordinary. If anything unusual happens, then please just let us know.” Algin said with a grandfatherly smile on his face.
    “You want me to spy on my friends?” She asked flatly.
    “No, but you are honor bound to report any suspicion you might have. If the law is being broken you must report it to us, but this shouldn't be a problem, since you already said that neither of them would break the law.”
    She regarded the council wordlessly. Amazed at what they asking of her.
    Algin smiled at her again. “Go now. You are dismissed. Think on what was said here today, but keep it to yourself.”
    Aaron stopped walking and stood in the shade of a tavern. The shade seemed almost a paradise compared to the early afternoon sun. "Curse that fool girl," he growled beneath his breath. He had walked through what seemed like endless open air markets and stuck his head in more taverns than he wanted to think about, but still no sign of Elona. Everywhere he went, he had asked after a girl fitting her description, but in Telur young girls, who were on their own, were abundant. No one had seen her, or at least no one had seen her and wanted to admit it.
    He slowly scanned the crowds for any sign of Elona, but there wasn't any.

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