Other Earths
black until he took up politics.
    For a second, as he looks down, marveling at their snouts and beaks and muzzles, their smiles melt away and he’s surrounded by a pack of animals.
    His aide mutters to him through clenched teeth, and two seconds later he realizes the words were, “Stop staring at them so much.” There have always been times when meeting too many people at once has made him feel as if he’s somewhere strange, all the mannerisms and gesticulations and varying tones of voice shimmering into babble. But it’s only lately that people’s faces have changed into a menagerie if he looks at them too long.
    They’d briefed him on the secret rooms and the possibility of the machine even before giving him the latest intel on China’s occupation of Japan and Taiwan. Only three hours into his presidency, an armored car had taken him to the Pentagon, away from his wife and the beginnings of the inauguration party. He’d told his vice president to meet the press while he was gone, even though he was now convinced the old man had dementia.
    Once inside the Pentagon, they’d entered a green-lit steel elevator that went down for so long he thought for a moment it was broken. It was just him, his aide, a black-ops commander who didn’t give his name, and a small, haggard man who wore an old gray suit over a faded white dress shirt, with no tie.
    The elevators had opened to a rush of stale, cool air, like being under a mountain. Beneath the dark green glow of overhead lamps, he could see rows and rows of transparent, bathtub-shaped deprivation vats. In each floated one dreaming adept, skin wrinkled and robbed of color by the exposure to the chemicals that preserved and pacified them. Every shaven head was attached to wires and electrodes, every mouth attached to a breathing tube. Catheters took care of waste.
    The stale air soon faded as they walked silent down the rows, replaced by a smell like turpentine mixed with honeysuckle. Sometimes the hands of the adepts twitched, like dogs running in their sleep.
    A vast, slow, repeating sound registered in his awareness. Only after several minutes did he realize it was the sound of the adepts as they moved in their vats, each sending a ripple of water that wouldn’t have registered if not for its repetition in thousands of other vats. The room seemed to go on forever, into the far distance of a horizon tinged at its extremity by a darkening that hinted of blood.
    His sense of disgust, even revulsion, grew as the little man ran out ahead of them, navigated a path to the control center, a hundred yards in and to the left, its blank, luminous blue glass set a story up and jutting out over the vats like some infernal crane. And still he could not speak, did not know what to say. The atmosphere was a strange combination of morgue, cathedral, and torture chamber. He felt a compulsion, if he spoke, to whisper.
    The briefing papers he’d read on the ride over had told him just about everything. For years, adepts had been screened out at birth and, depending on the secret orders peculiar to each administration, either euthanized or imprisoned in remote overseas detention camps. Those that managed to escape detection until adulthood had no rights if caught, not even the rights given to illegal immigrants. The Founding Fathers had been very clear on that in the Constitution.
    He had always assumed that adults when caught were eliminated or also sent to the camps. Some might call it the last vestige of a Puritanical brutality, but most citizens despised the invasion of privacy an adept represented or were more worried about how the separatist evangelicals had turned the homeland into a nation of West and East Coasts, with no middle.
    But now he knew where his predecessor had been storing the bodies. He just didn’t yet know why.
    In the control center, they showed him the images being mined from the depths of the adepts’ REM sleep. They ranged from montages as incomprehensible

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