Unexpected Consequences

Unexpected Consequences by Mia Catherine Read Free Book Online

Book: Unexpected Consequences by Mia Catherine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Catherine
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
staccato grunts combined with his tightened grip told her they were perfectly in sync. The feel of him coming inside her was a sensation she never wanted to forget.
    Her body went lax on top of him, completely spent. She wanted to tell him how good he made her feel, but no words could express it. She just hoped he felt a fraction of the pleasure he gave her.
    Once again the phone rang to life. “Someone really wants to get in touch with you, Bright Eyes,” he said lazily. His eyes were closed, and wrapping his limp arms around her seemed to be the most effort he could expend .
    “It’s my sister,” she mumbled into his neck. “That’s her ringtone.”
    He gave her a soft chuckle. “Isn’t she gonna wonder where you are?”
    “It’s Sunday. I’ll tell her I was in church.” She finally dragged her body off his and cuddled up beside him. She knew she should clean herself up before falling asleep, but there was no way her body would cooperate.
    “Church?” he laughed. “This is unlike any church I’ve ever been to. Although I did hear God’s name a couple times, and I’m pretty damned sure this is as close as one can get to heaven on earth.”
    He gave her a gentle kiss on the top of her head, wrapped his arm tighter around her and quickly fell asleep. She contentedly sighed into his chest as she, too, drifted off. She wanted nothing more than to dream of the wonderful day they’d be spending together.
    * * * *
    Across town, the boss called Nick’s cell phone. When the voicemail immediately picked up, his reaction wasn’t good. “You damn well better keep your priorities in check, Jensen.”

Chapter Six
    Barely thirty minutes had passed before Kelsey’s phone rang again, waking her from blissful sleep. She groaned and cuddled closer to Nick, trying to ignore the unwanted interruption.
    “She’s obviously not giving up,” he mumbled.
    “I don’t want to move. I’m too comfortable.”
    “Well, it’s not that I don’t like having you naked in my arms, but I’m afraid I’m gonna have to get up soon.”
    That got her attention and she popped her head up. “Where are you going? I thought we were going to spend the day together.”
    “We are going to spend the day together.” He brushed her hair away from her eyes with a big smile on his face. “I just have to go to the bathroom.”
    “Oh,” she said sheepishly, “sorry.”
    “Don’t be. I’m glad you don’t want me to go. I don’t want to go, either.” He leaned in for a gentle kiss.
    Before the kiss could lead to anything further, Kelsey’s phone rang once again. “Ugh, I’m gonna kill her.” Growling and angry, she stomped from the bed and dug her phone out of her purse.
    “What?” she shouted into the phone before thinking.
    “Kels? Are you okay?” Her older sister sounded near panic.
    “I’m fine, Krissy.” Kelsey slowly blew out a huff of air, trying to calm herself. Standing near her closet, she turned to find Nick lying on his side, leering at her naked body.
    “Where are you? Why haven’t you answered your phone?”
    Kelsey felt the blood rush to her face in embarrassment as she reached into her closet and grabbed a robe. Knowing he was watching suddenly made her self-conscious and shy. He gave a quiet chuckle as he got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom, not seeming to care in the least that he was naked, too.
    “Kelsey? Are you there, little sister?”
    Kelsey refocused her attention, having lost all track of her phone conversation the minute Nick had stood from the bed. “Yeah, I’m here.” She took another deep breath to slow her racing heart once he had closed the door behind him.
    “Well? Are you going to explain yourself?”
    “I didn’t realise I needed to, Krissy. I just didn’t answer the phone, okay?”
    “I’ve been trying all morning.”
    “I realise that. I heard the phone each time. Those of us without kids like to sleep past dawn.”
    “Are you feeling okay?”
    “I’m fine, sis.

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