Otis Spofford

Otis Spofford by Beverly Cleary Read Free Book Online

Book: Otis Spofford by Beverly Cleary Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverly Cleary
the room for a minute. I didn’t mean to spoil the experiment. Mutt just looked so…so hungry.” Ellen burst into tears.
    Now why didn’t I think of that? thought Otis. That Ellen! He couldn’t help feeling sorry for her, she looked so unhappy, but just the same…Mutt was his rat.
    There was an embarrassed silence until Mrs. Gitler said briskly, “Even if the experiment didn’t turn out as we planned, I’m sure we have all learned the important thing. That is, we must eat good food if we are to grow and be healthy.”
    That isn’t what I learned, thought Otis. I learned you’ve got to be careful or some girl will get ahead of you.
    Austine raised her hand. “Mrs. Gitler, if we aren’t going on with the experiment, what is going to happen to Mutt and Pinky?”
    “We’ll find good homes for them,” Mrs. Gitler answered. “Is there anyone who would like a pet rat?”
    Otis waved his hand wildly, but Mrs. Gitler did not see him. She asked, “Who would like to take Pinky home?”
    Otis stopped waving his hand. He wanted Mutt. The class finally decided Tommy should have Pinky. Stewy wanted him, but he already had a dog. Tommy, who had neither a dog nor a cat, could give a good home to a rat.
    Now was Otis’s chance. He waved his hand frantically. “Mrs. Gitler,” he said. “Mrs. Gitler.”
    Otis knew she saw him, even though she said, “Yes, Ellen?”
    Ellen twisted her handkerchief as she spoke. “I know I spoiled the experiment, but I’d like awfully much to take Mutt home. I sort of feel like he’s my rat.”
    Otis didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t let Ellen have Mutt. He had to do something. “But I fed him too,” he protested. “He’s just as much mine as Ellen’s. I went without my lunch to feed him.” Otis watched Mrs. Gitler anxiously. She just had to see how important it was for him to have Mutt for his very own. He felt everyone staring at him. “Well, I did feed him,” said Otis, when no one spoke. “And I gave him vitamin pills besides. He’s just as much mine as he is Ellen’s.”
    “Well, Otis, aren’t you rather slow in telling us about this?” Mrs. Gitler looked stern, but Otis could see that behind her stern look she wanted to laugh.
    This was no laughing matter to Otis. “I was going to tell, but Ellen beat me to it,” he explained.
    “Oh, I see,” said Mrs. Gitler. “Yes, Ellen, since you told us about feeding Mutt first, you may have him for a pet.”
    “Aw, that’s no fair,” muttered Otis, trying to cover up his disappointment.
    “What did you say, Otis?” asked Mrs. Gitler.
    “Nothing.” Otis scowled and slid down in his seat. That Ellen Tebbits! Taking his rat! Why, you wouldn’t think a girl who was always neat and clean like Ellen would even like rats.
    That afternoon Otis watched Mrs. Gitler put Mutt in a chalk box for Ellen to carry home. It seemed to him that he had never wanted anything as much as he wanted Mutt for his very own. Well, it was too late now. He took one last look at Mutt’s bright eyes and quivering whiskers before he started home.
    When Otis reached the apartment house he found Bucky, a kindergarten boy who lived in the same building, sitting on the front steps waiting for him. Although Otis didn’t care much about playing with a five-year-old, he couldn’t help liking Bucky, because he knew the little boy admired him and wanted to be like him when he grew up.
    “Hi,” said Bucky, who was wearing his cowboy suit. “Let’s play like we’re cowboys.”
    Otis sat down on the steps. “Not today,” he said glumly, and began to pull a piece of rubber off the sole of his sneaker. He wished there was someone around to play with besides a little kindergartner. If only he had Mutt!
    Then Otis looked down the street and saw Ellen coming toward him. She had changed to her play clothes and was carrying the chalk box. She looked unhappy.
    “Hi,” said Otis, wondering where she was going.
    “Hello, Otis.” Ellen stopped in front

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