Out of the Ashes (Rise of the Empire Book 3)

Out of the Ashes (Rise of the Empire Book 3) by Ivan Kal Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Out of the Ashes (Rise of the Empire Book 3) by Ivan Kal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ivan Kal
the planet, others forced to work the fields and provide food for the rest. A number was rounded up and moved to the camps Ra’a’zani built, the breeding camps. At best Jacob put the remaining human population between 1 and 2 billion. Most scattered across the globe living without the help of modern technology. The resistance had tried to recruit those living in those communities, but there was rarely anyone who wanted to fight, they were content with their life and didn’t feel the oppression of the Ra’a’zani, they were being left alone and didn’t want to provoke them.
    Others, those under the rule of the Ra’a’zani were left mostly on their own with little supervision. People worked the land to provide the food for Ra’a’zani and the other humans. They were allowed only minimal equipment, and had to produce certain quotas every set period. Failure to meet the quota would be punished with a death of a family member or someone close. Those in the cities were tightly monitored, and performed various tasks that Ra’a’zani wanted done, from construction to acting as servants. Technology was controlled by them, any sign that we were building or hiding human technology was met with harsh punishment. People that were born after the war already had limited education, and Ra’a’zani made sure that no one learned anything of the past, anyone discovered teaching was immediately executed. Otherwise they were left to govern themselves. Some had more freedom, while others had none.
    The resistance had five thousand people spread-out around the planet and the asteroid belt. But only a few were placed in more “trusted” positions within the Ra’a’zani society. The only hope the resistance had of beating the Ra’a’zani was to strike fast, decisive, and without being seen. And everything will depend on Olympus’s ability to draw away the Ra’a’zani ship in orbit. Otherwise even if they manage to deal with the Ra’a’zani on the ground they would just die when those on the ship realize that they lost control of the planet. And Jacob knew that this time their punishment would be much harsher, they might even wipe them all out. They had already sent people from Earth back to their space, and there are enough people in the asteroid belt to serve their purpose.
    But not everything was as bleak as it seemed. The resistance had a few aces up their sleeves as well. One was a submarine developed at the height of the war by the Coalition. Although calling it a submarine was akin to comparing a shuttle and a car. The Endgame class and CS Lord were the pinnacle of human war engineering, capable of traveling around the world in less than a day, undetectable by any conventional means, with enough firepower to lay waste to half a continent. Its missiles were the most advanced humans could build, with advance defensive systems. Each had enough power to release energy equal to a 20 megaton nuclear bomb, only without any radiation. Even at the height of war, with all the death, destruction, and horrors that we unleashed on one another, no one used nuclear weapons, everyone honored the treaty. That was probably the only reason humans were still there to be conquered by the Ra’a’zani.
    The Endgame class, as their arrogant name implied, were meant to end the war in a decisive win for the Coalition. But they never got the chance. Concordis attacked and destroyed the manufacturing facilities and the base where the Endgame class was being built. Years later it would come to light that they didn’t even know about the Endgame class, it was just a stroke of luck for them.
    Although they lost everything in the attack, the Endgame class prototype CS Lord wasn’t at the base, but out doing final tests, and so it survived. After that attack the war for the Coalition went downhill, until a few years later all the factions managed to destroy themselves so completely that they couldn’t continue the fight. The sub survived and its

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