The Rising Force
You‘re not fully recovered yet, Obi-Wan.‖
    With that, Qui-Gon turned and strode from the room. Obi-Wan waited for a few seconds. Then he carefully got up from bed.
    ―But the Jedi said you‘re not recovered!‖ Si Treemba cried in concern.
    ―Si Treemba,‖ Obi-Wan said slowly, ―how big are those thermocoms?‖
    ―Not big.‖ Si Treemba held his hands up eight centimeters apart.
    ―Not hard to conceal.‖
    ―If we find those thermocoms, then we‘ll know who did it,‖ Obi-Wan asseted.
    ―That‘s true Obi-Wan,‖ Si Treemba agreed. Then he stopped and made the same odd hissing sound again. ―We are sorry. But when you say ‗we‘ –―
    ―I mean you and me,‖ Obi-Wan said.
    ―Ah,‖ Si Treemba said. His greenish skin seemed to pale. ―We would have to go to the Offworld side of the ship.‖
    ―I know,‖ Obi-Wan said quietly. He knew the risk. And qui-Gon had ordered him not to. But he was not Qui-Gon‘s apprentice. He was not honor-bound to obey him.
    No doubt Qui-Gon thought him unworthy of the task ahead. But Qui- Gon‘s hesitation paled next to the Jedi principles. Justice must be sought out.
    ―Si Treemba, Clat‘Ha has great courage,‖ Obi-Wan explained. ―But Jemba has power on his side. He is ruthless as well as cunning, and he will stop at nothing. Therefore, he has to be stopped. It‘s as simple – and as difficult – as that. I understand if you don‘t wish to help.
    Truly. We will still be friends.‖
    Si Treemba swallowed. ―We will follow you, Obi-Wan,‖ he said.

Starwars jedi apprentice the rising force

Chapter 9
    Obi-Wan‘s sense of purpose made him feel strong again. He and Si Treemba decided search the Arconan half of the Monument. It made sense to eliminate the easiest task first.
    Obi-Wan and Si Treemba were able to search the kitchens, storage rooms, exercise rooms, and lounges without looking suspicious. Obi-Wan even had Si Treemba lower him down the garbage chutes. They found no dign of the missing thermocoms.
    ―We have to search the cabins, Si Treemba,‖ Obi-Wan said, picking a stray piece of garbage from his hair. He sighed. Over four hundred
    Arconan miners were in those cabins. He couldn‘t imagine that they would
    let him just search their rooms.
    ―That will be no problem, Obi-Wan,‖ Si Treemba replied.
    Obi-Wan had forgotten how Arconans think. They had no word for me or mine. So Si Treemba wandered from cabin to cabin, searching each bunk
    and storage compartment. A dozen times, Arconans asked, ―What are we
    Each time, Si Treemba answered, ―We are looking for something that
    was lost.‖
    To which the Arconan would ask, ―May we help find it?‖
    And Si Treemba would merely answer, ―We need no assistance.‖ The Si
    Treemba and Obi-Wan would search the room and leave.
    But not all the workers for Arcona Mineral Harvest were Arconan. Some were short, silver-haired Meerians returning to Bandomeer, some Human. Obi-Wan had to treat these carefully. More than once he found himself using the Force to convince some burly miner to let him search.
    It was exhausting work for someone who was still recovering, but
    Obi-Wan ignored his own pain and weariness. A Jedi did not give into such feelings.
    After a long day, Obi-Wan and Si Treemba went to the kitchens for a late meal.
    Obi-Wan ate a full dinner of roast gorak bird cooked in mall petals from Alderaan. Si ate Arconan fungi covered with dactyl, a type of yellow
    ammonia crystal. The Arconan‘s food smelled . . . well, the fungus wasn‘t
    bad, but the dactyl smelled like poison.
    Obi-Wan wrinkled his nose. ―How could anyone eat that stuff?‖ Si Treemba smiled. His faceted eyes glittered. ―Some creatures
    wonder how Humans can drink water, yet you take delight in it. Dactyl is as necessary to us as water is to you.‖ Having said that, he took a couple of crunchy yellow stones and popped them into his mouth like
    ?When Obi-Wan reached for salt, Si Treemba pulled his plate

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