
Overcome by Annmarie McKenna Read Free Book Online

Book: Overcome by Annmarie McKenna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annmarie McKenna
Tags: paranormal romance
back, Marc at her left side, the door in front of her, and the wall to her right, Anna was getting down right close to claustrophobic. Albatross’s statement only made things worse.
    She sighed and dropped her chin to her chest. “If what you say is true, then it’s not my home anymore.” Damn it, she didn’t want to do this here. Didn’t want to cry like a blubbering baby in front of two gorgeous men who’d done nothing wrong. Her bastard ex was responsible for the current situation, and as soon as she could manage, Anna vowed to find out what the hell he was trying to accomplish. Selling their house behind her back, then giving her the keys, knowing she couldn’t take possession, and then reporting her car stolen?
    “Sweetheart, the house is yours. I know you’re confused about all that’s happened today, but I promise you, neither Marc nor I have ever attacked a woman and tried to make her believe she’s our mate just to get in her pants.” Albatross threaded his fingers through hers and squeezed.
    Confusion was putting it mildly. But she sucked in a breath, lifted her gaze, untangled their fingers, and turned to face them both. “I…I think…that…well, I sorta, okay, maybe not so much, but I kinda understand where you’re coming from. Not really, that’s a lie. I have no idea where you’re coming from. I’m still in shock from learning about the house and then the car, and now you’re telling me I’m supposed to drop my clothes, make love to you both, and live with you forever—I think that’s what you’re saying anyway—but, really, how many women do you know who’d realistically do that?” She held up a hand when Marc opened his mouth to speak. “I mean human women. Not the ones in your world who know the score. And I can’t just blindly follow you home and park myself in your lives ’cuz that’s just really weird, and if I did that, it’d be like I’m one of those crazy women in a romance book that moves way too fast, and seriously? Who falls in love that fast? It’s not possible. And now I have to go and find out who my ex-schmuck husband thinks he is selling my house and then laughing behind my back after he gives me the key and says it’s yours, and then on top of that reports my car stolen when it was never his to begin with, and why he’s doing this in the first place because, what the hell? He’s the one who had an affair with Ms. Candy Apple, so what the fuck did I do to suddenly cause this problem ?”
    Her tirade was cut off when Albatross thrust his lips on hers and insinuated his tongue in her mouth.
    Damned if he didn’t taste sooo good.

Chapter Four
    She had entered the first circle of hell. Her fingers squeezed her iPhone so tight, she thought it might crumble into tiny glass shards any minute.
    “So you’re telling me there’s not a damn thing I can do?” Her heart pounded so hard she felt it against her rib cage.
    “Anna, I know you’re upset. And you have every right in the world to be. I’m going to work on this immediately. However, until we find out what happened, those men are legally living in your house. They aren’t the bad guys here. Peter is. If he underhandedly sold the house and forged your name, then we’ll take action against him and do our best to get the house back. Until then, I need you to relax and let me work.”
    “My lease is up Friday, James.”
    The sigh he blew across the phone was almost palpable. “Then you’re going to have to extend it or find something else. This isn’t going to be an easy or quick fix. I’m sorry.”
    “Me too.”
    The tears gathered before she’d even disconnected with her lawyer. She’d tried once again to get ahold of Peter, thinking, hoping, she’d maybe dialed wrong in her anger yesterday, but no, the same tones had rung in her ear. He’d changed his phone number and so nicely neglected to let her know. Not that she ever wanted to speak to him again, but dammit, they owned a house

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