
Overdrive by Phillip W. Simpson Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Overdrive by Phillip W. Simpson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Phillip W. Simpson
Dirty Little
Minx bound for Revel.”
    Simbiel’s face
showed a cross between contempt and disgust. “Hedonists! Dirty heathens. What
do we know of these two?”
    “Pardon Lord? Do
you mean the Hedonist’s or Felix’s friends?”
    “The friends you
idiot," roared Simbiel at his cringing henchman.
    Recovering his
composure, Tynan replied with alacrity. “Captain Alexander Pope, 27, was
formerly with Unamuno’s Military Intelligence division before being dismissed
for unbecoming behavior." Tynan visibly relaxed. He was on safe ground
    “Unbecoming behavior?”
    “He was having sex
with his CO’s wife."
    Simbiel smiled.
Frightening in a beautiful kind of way thought Tynan. “That one should be easy
to deal with. Continue."
    “Ah…His current
employer is Big Al, a former Major who now runs his own investigation company.
Captain Logan has just been suspended for fornicating with the clientele."
    “Good. And the
other one?”
    “That would be
Tarquin Compton-Burnett, 28, also known as the Chocolate Avenger, a Snareball
player for one of Unamuno’s teams. He’s just been found guilty of match fixing."
    The smile returned
to Simbiel’s face. This would be simpler than he imagined. These would be
protectors of Felix could be easily turned from their mission. And they would
lead him to the prize.
    This was the sort
of opportunity that could lead to promotion. Metatron, the Areopagite’s chief
Angel and Demiurge, had emphasized in the briefing how important the Overdrive
was to their cause. He’d even stated that success would pretty much assure
Simbiel a place in the first hierarchy as a Throne. Failure was not to be
contemplated. Angels that failed Metatron were rarely heard from again.
    Tynan, encouraged
by Simbiel’s mood, went on. “They will be heavily armed Lord. Both have combat
experience and access to military grade weapons.”
    “Of course. What
of the Watchers and the Shepards?”
    “A Watcher Trireme
has been reported arriving in orbit above Unamuno. Even if they do manage to
follow us, I believe our Galley will be more than a match for them. The
Shepherds homeworld, Novelle New Zealand, is currently under surveillance. So
far, no ship has been reported heading for this system ."
    Simbiel was hardly
bothering to listen. His attention was already focused on the chase ahead.
    “Excellent. I
congratulate you on your work. Baser human nature is very easy to corrupt and
anticipate Captain Tynan. You will discover that upon your elevation to Angel
    Tynan felt an
electric thrill run through him at the thought of becoming an Angel. He bowed
    “Yes Lord. Thank
you Lord. Your insights are truly educational."
    “Come," said
Simbiel, gesturing royally. “Its time to capture this wondrous technology I
    Simbiel, fingering
his sword hilt in anticipation, headed towards the docking bay. Captain Tynan
and the other Templars trailed in his wake.
    “Oh, and Captain
    “Yes Lord?”
sycophantic behavior is to be expected at your rank, when you are elevated that
sort of behavior is not encouraged. It becomes tiresome. In other words, try
not to kiss my arse too much huh”?
    Knights Captain
Tynan bowed his head in understanding. “Yes Lord."
Gabriella, Ruling Princess of the Cherubim, Divine Herald, Princess of Justice,
Archangel of the Holy Sefiroth, Angel of Vengeance, Angel of Death, ruler of the
Areopagite’s sixth planet, Makon, and object of countless million male wet
dreams, strode imperiously down the corridor of Arabot’s holy palace.
    Templars and other
angels stopped what they were doing to watch as the most beautiful woman in the
known galaxy moved past them. Gabriella was used to it. It was like time stood
still when she encountered others, especially men. All talking would cease, and
those hurrying to complete errands would suddenly conclude that the errand
wasn’t so urgent after all, pausing to watch the vision glide

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