The Last Stand (Book 3) (The Repentant Demon Trilogy)

The Last Stand (Book 3) (The Repentant Demon Trilogy) by Samantha Johns Read Free Book Online

Book: The Last Stand (Book 3) (The Repentant Demon Trilogy) by Samantha Johns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Johns
their shared thoughts, then looked back again at the women.
    “What's the matter with you two,” said Abigail.  “Do we have smudges on our faces, or what?”
    “It's not just the eyes,” said Brady, “the two of you are different aged versions of each other.  It's uncanny.  Your jawbones, your noses, even your mouths are identical.”
    “He's right,” added Cal, “You've got the same-shaped eyebrows, the same cute, up-turned noses.”
    The two women looked at each other , seeing what had been so obvious to their husbands.   Uma started to react very emotionally, crying into her napkin.  Abigail felt very uncomfortable, hardly able to believe what she was thinking could possibly be true.
    “My biological mother's name was Uma,” she said quietly , beginning to show a sense of fearfulness and dread.  “I never thought much about the coincidence, since I've already come across a connection to another Rayetta just today.  It is an uncommon name, but you're from Wyoming.  I've never lived outside Saint Louis.”
    “Abigail Rayetta Kennedy,” said Uma, her eyes filling with tears.  “That was my daughter's name, though we called her Sunshine in the commune where we lived.  I used to sing to her...”
    “ You Are My Sunshine ,” stated Abigail, not happily.  “I remember that, and the name—which I hated, by the way.  But your name is McFarland.”
    “Your father died in prison, dear,” said Uma.  “I married Brady a few years after I did my time.  And then I tried to find you, but I didn't have much money, and it was a closed adoption.”
    “I had a very good home,” said Abigail, implying that she was glad not to have been found by her birth mother .  “The Fitzgerald’s were a wonderful family, and they gave me a stable life, raising me in the church, and that is the woman I will always think of as my mother.”
    “I understand that,” said Uma.  “I'm relieved that you were loved.  That's all I ever wanted to know, really.  That's what's tortured me through the years… not knowing if you were all right.   I could never hope that you would ever forgive me for what I did.  I don't expect that.”
    “I'm sorry,” said Abigail, upset and overwhelmed by her emotions, “I have to go.  This is too much for me to deal with right now.”
    Uma got up and ran to another room, while Brady got their coats and Abigail gathered Angel into her arms.  She knew she was being rude, but she couldn't help herself.
    “I'm sorry,” said Cal, “maybe after a while, when she's had some time to think.”
    “I understand,” said Brady, “this has got to be hard.  Just go home and take good care of her.”
    As they walked the quarter-mile path down to their cabin, Cal and Abigail did not talk, although it was obvious they were spewing over with things unsaid.  It was too cold, and the wind urged them to take quick steps to get back into the warmth and peace of their new little home.
    “This is unbelievable,” Abigail fumed throwing her coat down on the chair, but being careful to place Angel gently on the floor.  “Of all the places for me to end up.  It's absolutely crazy that we are here right next door to the woman who is responsible for all the worst pain and suffering in my life.”
    “It is unbelievable,” said Cal, calmly rubbing her shoulders, “and just so crazy, that I don't see any way that it's an accident.”
    “What do you mean?” she asked, turning to face him, “You think Agent Foley knew about this?”
    “No, that isn't what I meant,” he answered, “That would be pretty far-fetched, but with everything the way it is, who knows?  What I was saying was that maybe God arranged this so that you could forgive your mother before she, or you, or all of us die in the Apocalypse that's about to befall this nation and this world.”
    “You're right,” she admitted thoughtfully, “I do need

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