
Pam by Jacqueline Druga Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Pam by Jacqueline Druga Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacqueline Druga
ng sure I didn’t leave a finger print , I locked and closed that door tightly.
    I took off , n ever looking back and swearing I’d never tell a soul.
    It was a bad decision. A horrible, soulless decision. One I regretted even more so now because Pam was free.

Chapter Thirteen – Pam
    “ Tell me about that day. ”
    I wasn’t ready to, not yet. I had only been out of the hospital for a week, and I wanted to start my investigation . But Dr . Andrews wanted to hear my story.
    He had said that , once I told him, he’d feel better about me going to Willow Brook.
    While I could have gone anyhow, a part of me felt as if I needed his permission, his blessing.
    There was something about Dr. Desmond Andrews; he was different than any other therapist o r psychiatrist I had seen. He had a keen interest in me and everything I said. I avoided eye contact because for some odd reason, I thought he would lo o k into my mind. That he was trying to see into my soul.
    My paranoia, I suppose.
    “There is nothing in the folder,” he told me. “You didn’t speak at the trial so I can’t even order those transcripts. What did you tell the police?”
    “That I didn’t do it. That someone else did. And that’s all I said.”
    “Tell me about the day.”
    I rehearsed in my mind what I was going to say, what happened that day. Not that I had to lie ; I didn’t. I knew he would not break the confidentiality bond. But I rehearsed in my mind because I was nervous about speaking. Terrified about bringing that day forefront.
    “I picked Mandy up at school ; it was her birthday. We were having a small f amily party , and then her frien ds were coming over for a sleep over.”
    “How were you feeling that day?”
    “Stressed. I had dinner to cook. Things to get ready. Anyhow, we got home, I had errands to run, but I wanted to see if we had candles. I hung all the balloons earlier that day. I w as pulling out the drawer and it fell. I tried to grab it and it scratched me.”
    “The scratch,” he said. “The reason for your release.”
    “I told them Mandy didn’t scratch me. I should have told them what she said in the car.”
    “And that was?”
    “That she scratched a boy at school,” I answered.
    “This would be the DNA match of that other crime?”
    I nodded. “They asked me if I remembered the boy. I told them no.”
    He leaned back in the chair. “Why?”
    “I was afraid. I don't know. It was stupid .”
    “Where was your husband at the time?” He asked me.
    “Richie was at work. He wasn’t due home for a while. He had to work on Sharon’s car again , ” I huffed out .
    “Why am I sensing anger there?”
    I shook my head. “Another time. Another story. Anyhow , he wasn’t there. M y mom showed up. Said she’d bathe the baby so I left to finish my errands.”
    “Where did you go?”
    “Where didn’t I go? I was running errands. I … I stopped …”
    Dr. Andrews tilted his head. “Go on , you stopped where? Are you not remembering? ”
    “Another story, another time.”
    “How about now.” He lifted his hands.
    I shook my head.
    “Pam. What do not want to tell me? You can trust me.”
    “I know.” I debated , and then I figured he’d find out sooner or later and it was all part of the story, right? After a pause , I told him. “I wen t to Richie’s garage. I thought maybe put some fire in his ass to get Sharon’s car done. He had it for a while. When I got there, I didn’t see her car. S o I went inside, t o tell him to get beer and to thank him for finishing the car. And I walked in, he was on the phone. I heard him.”
    I recanted what I heard ….
    ‘Baby, listen to me. I’ll tell her. I promise. Today. Today I will. I know we can’t keep using your car as an excuse.”
    He nodded at me and then asked. “How do you know who he was on the phone with?”
    Because I walked out after I heard him say, “Sharon, listen to me, I love you. You are not her.”
    One would think I hit Dr.

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