Panties for Sale

Panties for Sale by Mattie York Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Panties for Sale by Mattie York Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mattie York
then up to gently suck on
his earlobes. David lay flat on the bed with his hands at his sides. Odd, Alex
thought, as she continued working her way down his chest.   She stopped to gently nibble on his
nipples.   Not even a moan.   Is he just waiting for me to give him a blow
job? Alex wondered if all men were so predictable.
    Hoping to catch him by surprise, to get some response, Alex
moved quickly down David’s body, but as she sucked him into her mouth, she
almost choked.   Oh my god!   No!   Alex pretended to moan to cover her shock. His penis was so small.   I mean tiny.   Itsy.   Alex could fit it all into
her mouth and it didn’t even reach to the back of her throat.   “Oh Susan,” David moaned. Alex rolled her
eyes. Finally a response. “That is so good. Damn Susan,”
    Alex had David in her mouth for less than a half a minute,
when she started to feel his body shiver and his legs jerk. “Ohh!” he groaned
as his muscles shuddered and then relaxed.   Alex spit onto the towel, appreciating the usefulness of it now and
wiped her mouth. She sat up on her knees and stretched out her arms.   Deep throating had never been so easy.
    David was sprawled on his back with his eyes closed, so
Alex flopped down beside him and let out a loud sigh. He slowly opened one eye
and then rolled over on his side pulling her close to cuddle. Oh no, Alex
thought.   No, I am not spooning.    The idea of having to do anything else with
David and his tiny equipment was just too much for her.   After all, this was just a test.   And she had passed.   Not only had she proved to herself that she
could actually show up, but she could charm, and satisfy.   She had no ambition for extra points.   “I can’t believe the time,” she wriggled out
of David’s reach and slid to the edge of the bed. “I was supposed to meet my
friends a half hour ago. And,” she joked as she pulled on her pants, “I thought
we were only meeting for coffee.”


    “Mooshi, Mooshi?”
    “Hello? Chieko?”  
    “Hai.   Yes?   Hello?   I am sorry.”   Chieko unconsciously bowed as she apologized.
    “Hello.   Are you ok?”
    “Daijo-bu, Oh, I am fine, thank you.”
    “Good darling, good.   Listen, I sent your photos to my web guy last night.   They are fabulous.   Truly, he was very excited.   He said you looked really hot. His words,”
Angela laughed.
    Chieko smiled.   She
knew the photos would turn out well.   Any
self-respecting Japanese girl knew how to take a perfect photo.   And Chieko was no exception.
    When she was in middle school, after classes finished for
the day, her and her girlfriends would detour through the shopping mall on
their way home.   They would browse
through the toy store and the music store, stop for treats and always, they
would stop and get photos done.   It was
so fun to try and squeeze everyone into tiny puri-kura booth, and then posing
and making crazy faces as flash after flash snapped.   They’d add lipstick kisses, butterflies or
funny sayings then print the small strip of picture stickers within
seconds.   Chieko always had extra money
so she could do one on her own while her friends went and bought rice
sodas.   Her friends laughed and called
her ‘the little model’. But she didn’t mind.
    She was destined to be a supermodel. Or at least that’s
what she had thought then.   She always ‘accidentally’
forgot the strips of her photos in the slot, or strategically dropped them down
behind the cushions of the coffee shop seats so an agent could discover
her.   She would spend hours up in her
room, studying the fashion models in the European magazines. She tried to copy
their expressions with her cell phone camera.  
    She learnt that if she pouted her bottom lip, she looked
older and sexy.   If she tilted her head
down and lowered her eyelids, she looked shy and innocent, but if she looked up
and slightly smiled, she looked mysterious. She had her own trademark shot;

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