Paradox - Progeny Of Innocence (bk2) (Paradox series)

Paradox - Progeny Of Innocence (bk2) (Paradox series) by Patti Roberts Read Free Book Online

Book: Paradox - Progeny Of Innocence (bk2) (Paradox series) by Patti Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patti Roberts
contend with, but my husband, Lord Cerberus. How do you think he would react if I told him you forced your way into my chamber and tore the clothes from my back with the intention of doing God only knows what with me?"
    "My Lady, I would never-"
    Pandora glared at him, tousled her hair with her fingers, and tore a satin bow from the front of her gown. "Do you see where this is going?" she asked.
    The man walked forward. "Yes, my lady."
    "Thank you," she murmured stroking his broad chest. "We will do this again sometime, but for now be a good boy and drink up," she said, taking the bowl from Lilura’s hands and tilting it to his lips to drink. He choked the liquid down, then wiped his lips. She beckoned the second man who stepped forward immediately, heeding Pandora’s threat. He did not wish the wrath of witch nor Lord, although he could not be sure which he feared the most. Without flinching, he drank the remainder of the liquid from the bowl.
    "Do whatever it is you do, Lilura, with all your little witchy magic spells," Pandora said, motioning the woman forward.
    Lilura reached up, put her hands on the men’s foreheads and began chanting in a tongue Pandora did not understand, nor did she care to understand. As long as Lilura and her magic did what she wanted it to do, take the memories from these men’s minds, Pandora did not see any good reason to bother herself with the how.
    "Per corvis sanguinem, scienti invoco te. Excidunt temporis hujus memoriae tuae. Oboeditote vocem meam. Sicut volo, ita semper fiat. Per corvis sanguinem, scienti invoco te. Excidunt temporis hujus memoriae tuae. Oboeditote vocem meam. Sicut volo, ita semper fiat. Per corvis sanguinem, scienti invoco te. Excidunt temporis hujus memoriae tuae. Oboeditote vocem meam. Sicut volo, ita semper fiat," she chanted in a toneless voice that sent chills down Pandora's spine. A cold breeze picked up and rattled the chandelier hanging above her head. The torches flickered and the fireplace roared with hungry flames. A raven, standing three hands high, landed noisily on the stone windowsill and flapped its wings furiously. A dry, grating kraa, kraa, resonated from its chest as it began to beat its head on the side on the windowsill until blood ran feely from its beak. Pandora picked up a vase of flowers and prepared to throw it at the bird.
    "Do not!" Lilura shouted. "The raven is vital to the casting of this spell." Pandora rolled her eyes and set the vase back down on the desk. The bird watched Pandora for a moment as though memorizing her, then swiftly turned its back and flew noiselessly away. The raven landed outside Pandora's high window on a leafless tree, covered menacingly with hundreds of ravens hunched ready for flight. Kraa, Kraa, Kraa…
    The men began to shudder uncontrollably under Lilura’s palms for a moment. Then their eyes rolled back into moist sockets. She snatched her hands away, and the men were suddenly still, their unblinking eyes blank, all thoughts absent.
    "They are yours to command, my lady," Lilura said, pulling the hood back over her head and taking the bowl from Pandora’s hands.
    "Thank you Lilura, you may go now," Pandora said, dismissing her.
    "As you wish," Lilura said, lowering her head and walking from Pandora’s chamber.
    "Neither of you have any memory of what has transpired here just now. Do you understand?" she asked.
    "Yes my Lady," the men answered in toneless unison.
    "Good, now go, go tend to Abaddon, and my Lord husband, or whatever it is you people do." The men nodded and began to leave.
    "Wait,” Pandora said, and they halted. She walked toward the taller, stronger man and ran her hand down his bulging arm. She took his callused hand in hers and ran it down her cheek, across her chest, cupping her breast. "Kiss me," she demanded. He leaned down and kissed her hard on the mouth. Then she pushed her lips up against his ear. "You will remember that," she whispered. "Only you will never speak of it to another

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