
PartyNaked by Mari Carr Read Free Book Online

Book: PartyNaked by Mari Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mari Carr
“Not really. I have
to say the Bug seems to fit your personality. It’s just so small in there. I’m
glad you didn’t offer to drive. I don’t think I’d like riding home with my
knees pressed against my chin.”
    “It’s not that small.”
    He gave her his address and she plugged his cell number into
her phone in case they got separated on the trip to his home. She gave him her
number as well. Jarod walked around the block and waited until she was behind
him before heading toward his house.
    As she drove in silence, she had to admit Jarod had a valid
point. Being alone gave her too much time to think about what she was about to
    She wasn’t having second thoughts about the sex part. She
rarely did. She’d long ago given up caring what society thought about women who
embarked on sexual affairs. She liked sex a lot and she didn’t feel the need to
apologize for that. There were too many double standards attached to the
physical act as far as she was concerned.
    Her doubts in regards to Jarod had nothing to do with the
physical attraction. That was irrefutable and she wasn’t the sort of person to
deny herself something she wanted.
    Her unease centered on the man himself. She’d never felt
such an instant connection to anyone. He was getting into her head and under
her skin. A state she simply wasn’t comfortable with.
    Her cell phone rang. Glancing at the number, she laughed.
    “You’re still following me. I’m taking that as a good sign.”
    She smiled at his taillights, turning left when he did.
“Don’t get too cocky. It’s still hit or miss back here.”
    His sigh was loud enough to carry through the line. “Yeah,
that’s what I thought. Figured I’d call to distract you.”
    “That’s cheating.”
    “I’m a desperate man.”
    God. Everything was so easy with him. They’d talked for
three hours at the bar and the time had flown by. He was funny, intelligent,
interesting and she’d found herself sharing things about herself she’d told
very few people.
    “You’ve gone quiet,” he said. “What’s going on in that sexy
brain of yours?”
    “There has to be something wrong with you.”
    “I told you what’s wrong with me. I’m too nice.” She could
tell from the tone in his voice, she’d amused him.
    “Don’t be absurd. That’s the dumbest breakup line in
history. I think that one might top the it’s-not-you-it’s-me bullshit.”
    “I’m arrogant, controlling and a homebody. I exercise a
little too compulsively and I leave wet towels on the bathroom floor.”
    “Do you need more?”
    “No,” she joked. “I’m still trying to recover from the
wet-towel flaw. That’s a biggie. We should probably call a halt to this now.”
    “Stephanie. I know we just met and I know we’re driving to
my house for sex. But I’m not intending for this to be a one-night stand. I
think you’re funny and pretty and I’d like to ask you out for a real date to
see where this thing leads us. I’ve had a great time tonight. Even if you did
turn around and go home right now, I’d still call you tomorrow and I’d still
want to see you again.”
    She sighed. Greatest thing a guy had ever said to her. She
wasn’t a romantic and she didn’t believe in love at first sight, but even she
could appreciate the beauty of that line.
    “I’m not going anywhere tonight except your bed. Are we
almost there?”
    She felt like she could actually hear his smile through the
phone. “Actually, as luck would have it, we’re here.”
    He pulled into the driveway of a brick rancher. The front
porch light was on, illuminating a couple of rocking chairs and an
honest-to-God porch swing. The place looked homey and inviting.
    “Nice,” she said, as she put the car into park and turned
off the ignition. She was still holding the phone and talking to Jarod, even
though he’d climbed out of his car and was walking toward her.
    “Glad you like it,” he said into the receiver,

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