PAYBACK (A Bad Boy Romance)

PAYBACK (A Bad Boy Romance) by Alexx Andria Read Free Book Online

Book: PAYBACK (A Bad Boy Romance) by Alexx Andria Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexx Andria
the car and went straight to the door.
    I banged hard, nearly busting the aged door in two.
    The door opened and a frazzled black woman with hard eyes answered, giving me the look from hell. “What you want?”
    “I’m looking for a redhead, about this tall,” I indicated Holly’s petite height “with big tits and a fat ass. You seen her?”
    She started to close the door but I shoved my foot in the way. “Think real hard.”
    The woman glanced down at my intruding foot and returned to me, her gaze narrowing. “Maybe. I think I saw her walking down the road. She your girl?”
    I smiled coolly. “Yeah, she belongs to me.”
    “Sorry…she ain’t here.”
    I didn’t believe her. My gut told me, this woman was lying.
    “Mind if I take a look around?” I asked.
    “Fuck you. You ain’t comin’ in my house, motherfucka . What you think this is? Better Homes and Gardens or some shit? Get the fuck on.”
    She kicked at my foot to free the door but I shoved it against her face, slamming into her nose. Stumbling back with a screech, she swung a punch but missed as I dodged.
    “Reggie!” she hollered, wiping at the trickle of blood from her mouth. To me, she said, “You dumb fuck. You gonna regret that.”
    A wiry man with a belly appeared with a gun, pointing it straight at my dome.
    “You messing with my lady?” the man taunted, waving the gun at me. “I don’t much like that.”
    “You have my girl.”
    “Says who?” the man asked, feigning innocence but I could see the covert glance at a closed door to his right. I was good at reading people. Holly was in that room. “We don’t want no trouble. Go on, get out, and I won’t blow your motherfucking balls off for insulting my woman.”
    “Give me Holly and I won’t kill you,” I countered simply.
    “This girl ain’t nothing but trouble,” the woman cackled, shaking her head. “I never seen so many people getting riled up over one fat white girl.”
    My gaze narrowed. I didn’t like this crack whore calling Holly names. Something burned in my chest at the insult. “You got five seconds to make a good decision for your health and welfare,” I growled.
    “Or what? I got the gun, shit-for-brains,” the man reminded me.
    “I don’t need a gun.”
    “Well, hell, I like your spirit but finders keepers, you know what I’m saying. She going to make me some cash and if there’s one thing I don’t mess with — it’s my cash flow. Sorry bud.” The man cocked the gun. I had milliseconds to react. I grabbed the woman and thrust her toward the gunman just as he pulled the trigger.
    The bullet ripped through the woman’s gut but his momentary shock gave me the time I needed to bury my fist in his teeth multiple times. The gun scattered from his grip and I kicked it away from his scrabbling fingers as he hit the floor.
    I didn’t hesitate and stomped the shit out of his hand, breaking bones. He howled in agony as his woman bled all over the carpet, eyes staring sightlessly. I grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt to growl, “You should’ve made a better choice.”
    I dropped him and stalked to the door, kicking it open.
    Holly, pressed into the furthest corner of the room, yelped as the door banged open but when she saw me, her relief quickly turned to dismay and for that, I didn’t blame her.
    She’d lost her chance to play nice.
    Now, she was just my captive.
    “You just made things a whole lot worse for yourself,” I warned, striding to her, grabbing her by that thick reddish hair and yanking her toward me. Holly gasped, stumbling after me without choice. Hauling her up, I made her look at the dead woman, blood everywhere. “See? This is your fault. Now get your ass moving before I leave you here to deal with him.”
    I shoved her into the car and wasted no time in splitting the scene. Wiping the blood trickling from my cut lip, I I ignored Holly to give my rage time to cool but I made a quick call to Tito so he wasn’t

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