Perfect Princess

Perfect Princess by Meg Cabot Read Free Book Online

Book: Perfect Princess by Meg Cabot Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meg Cabot
swung him around over her head a few times. Besides, as soon as I saw what she was doing, I made her stop. She swears it was just an experiment having to do with the laws of gravity, and Pavlov, when I let him out of the suitcase, was totally fine…. It just took the room a few minutes to stop spinning around for him.]

    Michael’s Random Act of Princess:
    Be like Xena: Do something nice for your best friend, or royal consort, such as agree to see the lame romantic comedy she’s been dying to go to, instead of insisting on seeing the cool action flick you’ve been waiting for. She’ll appreciate you all the more, and you’ll be filled with a warm, fuzzy feeling because you were so selfless.
    Pocahontas may not have had an adorable pet raccoon in real life, like she does in the Disney movie, but she was a real princess. She did meet a man named John, just like in the movie—except that he wasn’t the John she threw herself in front of in order to save him from the wrath of the Powhatans. That was Captain John Smith. The real Pocahontas married another John, whose last name was Rolfe. He taught her English, and she taught him her native language. Eventually, she went with him back to England, where she enjoyed immense popularity and was treated as what she was: visiting royalty.
    Until, that is, she got smallpox, and died at the age of twenty-two.
    [Whoa! That last part, so not in the movie version! What a bummer!]
    Michael’s Random Act of Princess:
    Be like Pocahontas: Learn a language! It will come in handy when you’re meeting with international dignitaries to discuss peace, or at least look good on your college apps.
    Princess Diana of Paradise Island was raised by her mother, Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons, in a place devoid of the war-embracing ways of men. Until, that is, World War II pilot Steve Trevor’s plane is shot down, and his unconscious body washes up on Paradise Island’s virgin shores. Princess Diana is instantly smitten, so when Steve’s wounds have healed enough for him to be moved, she volunteers to take him back to his people.
    In order to prepare her daughter for the dangers the queen knows she’ll face in the land of men, Hippolyta gives Diana a golden lasso that compels whoever it holds to tell the truth, and also loans her the royal invisible jet (don’t even ask how an island of Amazons who haven’t had any contact with the outside world developed the technology to build an invisible jet. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you).
    Armed with these things and a pair of wrist bracelets with which Diana can ward off bullets, the young Amazon princess heads for Washington, D.C., with a groggy Steve in tow. There, Diana is appalled by all the evil she sees—and not just from the Nazis. She vows to remain by Steve’s side, to protect him as best she can from those who seek to kill him, which it turns out is actually a lot of people. Like Superman’s Lois Lane, Steve never quite figures out that his mild-mannered secretary Diana and Wonder Woman, the Amazonian princess who keeps stopping all the bank robberies in the Washington area, are one and the same person.
    [Like Diana, I, too, would go to whatever lengths I had to, to make sure my man was safe from the Nazi scourge… even if that meant forsaking my native land and running around our nation’s capital in nothing but a one-piece bathing suit with gold eagle wings where the built-in bra shelf should have been. I would gladly make such a sacrifice, if it would in any way aid my love.]

    Mia’s Random Act of Princess:
    Be like Wonder Woman: Wear your bathing suit proudly. Don’t slouch or try to look inconspicuous, no matter how big you think your thighs are, or how little you’ve got going in the chestal area. Anyone can look good at the beach or pool, if she’s got the most important accessory of all:

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