Perfect Soldier: The Complete Story (5-Part BBW Military Romance Novel)

Perfect Soldier: The Complete Story (5-Part BBW Military Romance Novel) by Haley Nix Read Free Book Online

Book: Perfect Soldier: The Complete Story (5-Part BBW Military Romance Novel) by Haley Nix Read Free Book Online
Authors: Haley Nix
his home was just outside Austin,
TX. He was here in Oklahoma, traveling with two of his Army buddies. These were
men he’d die for – he’d told me so straight to my face. There was a bond
between them that was hard to understand for civilians. It was a bond forged by
the fact that sooner or later, they’d all be called on again, to fly back overseas
to fight once more.
    They would fly back to London, to Berlin, and then
on to Kabul. Once they reached Kabul, they would be driven in armored vehicles
to the more remote provinces of Afghanistan, the more dangerous ones. Or
perhaps they would be flown in by helicopter. I didn’t know for sure. I didn’t
know much about Colt’s life over there in the desert. We’d only just met last
night, after all.
    All the same, this wasn’t home to Colt. He was
travelling right now, just passing the time. He had plans to go to Las Vegas
with Tyson and Garrett, his friends from the military. I started to get the
impression that maybe there wasn’t much back in Texas for Colt to go home to.
What did he have there? Parents? Friends?  He never told me.
    He hadn’t told me much at all about this area of his
life, but it was an area I was keenly interested in. I wanted to know if there
was something back in Austin that would sooner or later pull him away from me.
Sure, we’d only spent the night together, but there was something more building
beneath the surface. This wasn’t just a hookup, a night of brief and finite
passion between two strangers. There was something deeper here. Maybe that was
crazy to say after so little time, but sometimes you can tell right away. That
was the feeling I had with Colt.
    I felt his body stir next to me. I reached a hand up
and started stroking his head, the short, cropped haircut, smooth yet spiky all
at once. I love that feeling, though I don’t exactly know why. Suddenly his
eyes opened, and he looked at me, a smile stretching across his face. His hand
glided down my arm, then onto my leg. He moved it up and down slowly, saying
    Then he gave my ass a squeeze and winked. I knew
exactly what was on his mind now…
    About thirty minutes later, we lay back down, side
by side. Panting, our bodies sweaty and exhausted, I leaned over and gave him a
small kiss on the cheek. Even better than before, I kept thinking to myself. I
didn’t realize that was even possible.
    We were getting to know each other’s bodies better,
the subtleties, the curves, lines and textures. We were a perfect fit, at least
in this regard. It was almost innate, this instinct for pleasure, knowing
exactly what the other wanted, and when they wanted it. This time was different
than before, the buildup slower, but burning brighter as we burst into
simultaneous orgasm. He’d come inside me again, an act I found delightfully hot
and deliciously naughty.
    We lay there for a while, feeling tired, but
contented. I could have laid in bed all day with him, sharing silent, secret
looks, little gestures of intimacy only known between two people absolutely
enamored of each other. Infatuation, I suppose, was what it was called at this
    But we didn’t have all day. I was heading into the
bar at 4:00 PM this afternoon, and Colt would be busy with Tyson and Garrett,
rounding up everything they needed as they got ready to head out for a wild
week in Las Vegas. Not too wild, I hoped. Part of me was a bit nervous. I
didn’t like Colt leaving so soon. Would he have such a good time in Vegas he’d
forget about me? And what about other women, were they in play, too?
    Granted, Colt and I didn’t have anything exclusive.
How could I have such a claim on a man like him in such a short time? But I
didn’t like the thought of him with any other girls but me. As we lay there, I
thought about saying so. Maybe it would be good to get my feelings out in the
open. Ultimately, I thought better of it. I got up and fetched Colt a towel so
he could take a shower while I made

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