Perfekt Balance (The Ære Saga Book 3)
each labeled with one of our names. Henrik removed the
identification tags and handed them out. “They’re your new
communication devices. Let’s give the human a hand for her
innovative design.”
    Five pairs of eyes turned to our mortal, who
took a bow amidst our applause. “I hate that y’all need a backup
com device in case the dark elves confiscate your phones,” she
    “Luck favors the prepared. Remember?” Tyr
winked. “How do these work?”
    “ Remove
the wrapping and place them sticky-side down on the inside of your
forearm.” We all did as Mia instructed. In seconds, the clear
device adapted its texture to be a perfekt match to our skin.
    “ The
ultimate camouflage—well done, flicka ,” Brynn praised.
    “Thanks,” Mia said. “To turn them on, you’ll
need to press your pointer finger to the vein that runs in the
center of your wrist, then speak the name of the person you want to
call—the coms are coded to recognize your fingerprint and your
voice, so nobody else can activate them. Worst-case scenario, if
your phones are taken and you’re separated from the group, you can
use these to call each other for help. They can also send and
receive electronic transmissions like e-mails, but we’ve designed
them so there’s no digital trace.”
    “Meaning?” I asked.
    “Meaning, if one of you is captured and your
abductor somehow figures out you have a communication device on
your arm, we don’t want said abductor to be able to force you to
activate the com, then trace the other three devices. These
communicators make it impossible to track their user’s location
through an IP address or whatever magic passes for internet service
in Svartalfheim. And since there’s no fairy dust involved, these
devices will work anywhere—even, God forbid, in Hel’s dark
magic-laced inner sanctum.” Mia crossed her arms.
    Tyr frowned. “Let’s not go back there. Brynn,
what’s our weapon count?”
    Brynn held out her hand, and Henrik passed
the backpack. She shouldered it and tightened the straps, before
turning back to Tyr. “Forse has a broadsword, a nanomolecular
particle accelerator, and a pistol. Anything else?”
    “The locator.” Forse tucked the Asgardian GPS
tablet in the pocket of his cargos.
    “ And the
locator.” Brynn nodded. “I’ve got my rapier, dagger, and my killer
right hook. Tyr, you’ve got your broadsword, a handgun,
and …anything
    Tyr held up his palms. “I don’t need anything
else. I’ve got these.”
    “Excellent. And Elsa, here.” Brynn held out a
small blade. I tried to wave it away, but she pressed it into my
hands. “Take it. I know you don’t want to hurt anyone, but use this
dagger if you need to. It’s better to be safe than sorry.”
    “Okay,” I whispered, tucking the weapon
through the belt loop of my black skinny jeans. Since my role on
this mission was a peacekeeping one, I’d passed on wearing the
regulation cargos donned by my friends. I’d also broken with the
all-black vibe, choosing a long sleeveless shirt in pale blue. The
soothing color was a known mood relaxer, something I intended to
use to my every advantage.
    “So that’s the weapon count.” Brynn turned to
my brother. “Tyr, what’s the strategy once we touch down?”
    Tyr crossed his arms, his biceps flexing with
the movement. “Strategy’s simple—we drop in, meet the dark elves at
a mountain range near the drop site, exchange the crystal for the
fugitive, and Bifrost out. Anyone who gets separated should find
their way back to the drop site, call for Heimdall, and return to
Arcata. But if, Odin forbid, you’re captured, do not try to escape.
Dark elves aren’t smart enough to strategize, and they’ll kill you
before they ransom you. Just sit tight, gather as much intel as you
can, and scream my name in your head. I’ll hear you and track you
    “Unless there’s a dark magic block. You can’t
read minds through thick fields of the

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