Perilous Curves Collection (BBW Romance)

Perilous Curves Collection (BBW Romance) by Christa Wick Read Free Book Online

Book: Perilous Curves Collection (BBW Romance) by Christa Wick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christa Wick
Tags: Romance
pushing the button to unlock the passenger side door.
    Raising a hand, I cut him off. "I understand. No need to explain. You didn’t want him to be born a bastard, too." I glanced sideways at Dante to see if I had managed to scratch his exterior. From the tension around his eyes and mouth, I knew I had. I exhaled, my blood starting to flow again.
    "There’s no question you did good by the kid, Dante." I started the engine, put the car in drive. "So will I."
    Only, I didn’t. At least not that night. Pulling to a stop in front of Ray Epps' house and seeing his wife and son charging onto the lawn, I knew that I had just fucked up royally.
    The neighborhood was at the edge of Masonville's ghetto. The surrounding homes were a mix between those that looked well-cared and those on a quick slide into decay. Ray's place was immaculate. His wife was too -- tall, straight-backed and with every hair in place. His son wore dress pants and a pressed white shirt. As much as they looked like they were holding it together, the combination of their grief and anger was like a beacon -- one that I was about to douse with kerosene.
    Dante exited the car before I could put it in park. Looking at him, I knew he wanted to comfort Claire. It was a natural desire. She was his friend’s wife, if not his friend in her own right, and he was certain Alex hadn’t killed Ray. Claire Epps seemed certain that the boy had. She and Dante were at more than an impasse.
    For Claire, at least, they were at war.
    "Get the hell off my lawn, Dante Serrano!"
    "Alex had nothing to do with this--"
    The man was an idiot when it came to talking with women today! I rounded the car and stepped between Dante and Claire just in time to catch the hard left-handed slap she intended for Dante.
    Staggering back, I bumped into Dante. He grabbed my shoulders, started to move me to the side and out of harm's way. I broke his hold and flung my arms out, forcing him to stay behind me.
    Claire, for the moment at least, seemed stunned into silence.
    "In the car." I spoke the words in Dante’s direction, my teeth grinding together to hold back the tears. Claire Epps didn’t hit like a girl by any stretch of the imagination. I felt a trickle of fluid down my cheek. I had seen the flash of Claire's diamond wedding ring, the stone turned to the palm side, wink at me right before contact. Hopefully the fluid I could feel was sweat and not blood
    Keeping my eyes locked on Claire, I ordered Dante back into the car a second time. "Do it now or find someone else to work the case."
    Claire’s gaze narrowed at that. Her mouth got hard. A brittle, predatory smile surfaced. "I heard about you already today."
    She looked to her son for confirmation. He nodded. The young man gripped his mother's shoulders as if he trying to hold her back. She didn’t seem to notice, just kept staring at me.
    "Honey, if you thought they were going to write you up in the papers again for this, you’re damn right!"
    Hearing my car door open, I relaxed a little. Dante may not have gotten into the car -- and I sure as hell wasn’t going to risk another hit by Claire just to take a look -- but he’d at least retreated a short distance to let me handle this. It was more than I had expected.
    Glancing from mother and son on the lawn up to the front door, I saw a young black woman. Vivian. The girl was every bit as beautiful as Alex had described her. Riding circuit with my father on summers like this, I had seen pictures of black Madonnas -- serene, exotic beauties. That was Vivian, even with her face swollen and wet from crying.
    My gaze returned to Claire. No signs of crying. The woman hadn’t cracked yet, hadn’t allowed her grief the wet luxury of tears.
    Ray’s son looked back at the porch. "I hope that’s Daddy you’re crying for."
    His voice was strong, harsh and angry.
    "I’m sorry, Mrs. Epps." I searched through my memory for the son’s name. "Lee, I’m sorry. It

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