Peyton Riley

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Book: Peyton Riley by Bianca Mori Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bianca Mori
be late with your payment."
    She shook her head. "Poor bugger." She ate silently, brows furrowed in concentration. "I just don't know how we can work with this intel, though."
    "You said you wanted leverage."
    "Yeah, but this guy needs money and is therefore dependent on his girlfriend to sell a big painting. We're trying to stop the sale, remember?"
    "Of course I remember."
    She shook her head again and played with her porridge. "I don't know. We'll need another angle."
    Carson made a noncommittal noise as he finished his stretches.  "Anja could pick out a better guy." He straightened up and dried off.
    "I don't know. He's kind of cute," she said, spooning porridge and chewing dreamily. "Very talented mouth."
    She looked up to find him standing next to the table. Her eyes were right at the level of his shining abs, and felt her mouth literally water at the sight.
    "If it's a talented mouth you want, you don't have to look far to find one," he said huskily, before heading to the shower.
    They milled outside the offices of AgileTech—or at least Carson milled restlessly while Peyton settled against a discreet little alcove and watched. They were on the southern part of the city, in the middle of the business district: glass, parks, walkways teeming with people heading to the small sandwich shops and cafés on the buildings' ground floors for a meal. After a few minutes, Carson ceased pacing and returned to her spot.
    "Why are we doing this again?" he asked, running his hands through his brown waves and causing half of it to stick up in odd little peaks.
    "Surveillance." The corner of her lip twitched at his frustration.
    He snorted. "We don't know he's even in there. We could be standing here for hours for nothing."
    "I don't think that's going to happen."
    "Stop smirking at me like this is the world's greatest joke," he hissed. "I really don't see the point of this."
    "The point is to observe the guy. See what makes him tick. And then we'll know how to best plan the takedown."
    Carson rolled his eyes. "And if you do come across him, what would you do? Ask him, 'hey, planning to buy any Magraiths lately?'"
    The door slid open and out came a man, of middling height, wrapped in a gray woolen scarf and a mackintosh. Even from her alcove Peyton was struck by the arresting quality of his clear, nearly colorless blue eyes. They were much more intimidating in person than on TV. In the flesh she was struck by an odd quality: he seemed that strange mix of young and old—a teenager's dewy face sitting on the carriage of a fifty-year-old.
    "Watch and learn, art guy," she said over her shoulder.
    Anders Van Der Luyden surveyed the street with his extraordinary eyes, watching the pedestrian traffic with a slightly furrowed brow, as though he divined something in the ebb and flow of the walkers. He frowned very slightly as he was jostled by a hurrying pedestrian.
    "Oh! I am very sorry, do forgive me," said the lady in a clipped British accent.
    He squinted as he registered her face. She had a shock of red waves cascading down her dark sweater, and deep blue eyes peering at him from a fringe of thick, light-colored lashes.
    "You are forgiven," he said, pursing his mouth as he took in more of her features.
    Her shapely pink lips parted as she caught sight of his face. "B-but—but you're Anders Van Der Luyden!" she gasped. "My word, I hadn't realized—but I—I am great admirer of your work!"
    Anders smiled indulgently at her. The poor girl's eyes sparkled like sunlight glinting off the sea in the late afternoon. "Indeed?"
    "Oh yes," and her voice took on an appealingly breathy quality. "The news of that hovercraft you released—my goodness—never thought we'd see the day—"
    In her excitement her hand clutched his forearm. She seemed to realize what she did and her eyes widened. "I'm sorry, how presumptuous of me!"
    "Not to worry," he chuckled, catching her hand and gripping it against him. "Not to worry at all!" He eyed her up

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