Phobos: Mayan Fear
hoping to extend the reign of a threatened species. Instead, you demanded passage and living accommodations for two hundred people, the majority of whom have nothing to offer the colony. Perhaps that was your opening bid, a means to negotiate a hundred spots, or even fifty; perhaps it was simply greed. Either way, you once again demonstrated the difference between a politician and a leader, the latter putting the needs of the people first, the former always ready to trade the needs of the many for the privileges of the few.”
    “Who are you to judge me? You cheated your financial backers. You murdered your own husband to take over his company!”
    “My financial backers lived their lives of splendor off the toil of the lower classes. By taking their money to preserve our species, I help cleanse their souls. As for my dearly departed husband, he too paid the price of a life stained by selfishness. What I gave him was a legacy to be proud of. Sadly, all I can offer you is a drug that simulates a massive stroke.”
    Removing the president’s left sandal, she injects a clear elixir between Heather Stuart’s fourth and fifth toes.
    The elder woman’s face twitches for several moments, until her head flops across her still-convulsing chest.
    Satisfied, Lilith crosses the room to deal with the two terrified men. “I need a witness who will testify to the president’s unfortunate demise. Any volunteers?”
    “We’ve known each other fifteen years,” Donald Engle pleads. “Whatever you need, you know you can trust me to do it!”
    Ken Mulder locks eyes with Lilith. “We have Dave Mohr.”
    For the briefest of moments, the female Hunahpu’s eyes radiate a burnt orange.
    Ben Merchant, reclining on one of the sofas, sits up. “Dave Mohr? Now there’s a name I haven’t heard for quite some time. Wasn’t he the head of that defunct MJ-12 project?”
    “Golden Fleece.” Mulder strains to remain on his toes. “His wife was aboard the cruise ship that sank last week. We intercepted their communication just before the vessel went down with all hands aboard. Dr. Mohr’s in custody, off the grid. He’s been … talkative.”
    Lilith circles behind the chief of staff. “I’m listening.”
    “Mohr told us all about this Hunahpu gene. The Gabriel twins had it, you have it, too. And your son.”
    “Tell me something I don’t know.”
    “Jacob’s long gone, off to rescue his father. Turns out his twin never made the trip.”
    “Liar!” The Hunahpu seductress yanks Mulder’s rope tighter from behind. “The Popol Vuh foretold of the twins’ journey. The sons of Gabriel now inhabit Xibalba!”
    Mulder rasps, his body swaying beneath the noose. “Manny refused to go. Mohr says his powers manifested the day Jacob left. He told us Manny is Jake’s genetic equal … that he’s growing stronger.”
    Lilith turns toward her son, her thoughts telepathic. How could you have allowed Immanuel to remain undetected all these years?
    The only way for me to track another Hunahpu is when they enter the Nexus. Immanuel never engaged the Upper Worlds. At least, not during my life span.
    Your blade. Give it to me.
    In one rapid motion, Devlin withdraws an eight-inch obsidian knife from his belt, throwing it at his mother—
    —who plucks it out of midair by its hilt, and in one motion jams its lethal end into Donald Engle’s heart. The stunned national security advisor slumps forward, hanging himself in the process.
    “Ben, Mr. Engle has decided to remain with us on an extended stay.”
    “I’ll prepare a guest room right after I clean up his remains. What about our purple-faced friend?”
    Lilith withdraws the blade from Engle’s chest, using it to slash Mulder’s rope.
    The chief of staff collapses to his kness, each gasped breath restoring color to his face. He stares at his dead companions, his body trembling. “You really think you can get away with this?”
    “That depends upon you. Secrecy and Dr. Mohr buy you passage

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