Play Nice (Make the Play Book 3)

Play Nice (Make the Play Book 3) by Amber Garza Read Free Book Online

Book: Play Nice (Make the Play Book 3) by Amber Garza Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber Garza
way through the room until we reach the doors. Placing my palm on the glass, I press it open and step outside. Brady’s right. It is a nice day. Warm. Springlike, even though it’s fall. The scent of grass and clean air fills my senses. To my right, I spot Emmy and Taylor.
    “Man, she looks ready to pop,” Brady comments.
    I nod. “Seriously.” She appears miserable, all bloated and round. When Cal first started dating Taylor, I didn’t get it. It’s not that she wasn’t attractive, but she didn’t fit his normal type. She was edgy and dark looking, and had a major chip on her shoulder. But she began to soften the more time she spent with him. And soon I saw her the way he must have. I noticed how pretty she was. But right now her face and body were all puffy, and I wondered what Cal would think if he was here. What is wrong with me? I sound like Ashley. Of course Cal would still find Taylor attractive. He loves her. That doesn’t change simply because she’s ballooned out. Besides, it’s not like she can help it.
    “Hey, guys.” Emmy waved us over. “What are you doing out here?”
    “We’re not vampires,” I quip.
    “That’s too bad. It would definitely liven things up if you were.” Peering up at us, Taylor shields the sun with her hand.
    Brady laughs. “I can bite your neck if that helps.”
    “Dude.” My head snaps up in his direction. Even Taylor’s eyes widen. Emmy stretches her mouth out in a “yikes” expression.
    “Ah, shit.” Brady scratched the back of his neck nervously. “I forgot you were Cal’s girl for a minute.” He shakes his head. “It was just a joke. I wasn’t really gonna bite your neck.”
    Taylor waves away his words. “Don’t worry. I didn’t think you were hitting on me.” She glances down at her ever expanding body as if that’s all the explanation we need. “Of course I’m not sure that Cal will agree when I tell him what you said.”
    Brady’s face pales.
    “Kidding.” She giggles. “You guys are too easy.”
    I’m about to spout off some joke like, ‘if I’m too easy, why are you the one pregnant,’ but think better of it. We all know Taylor’s situation, and it’s not a joking matter. I’ve been known to take my jokes too far, and I’ve been trying to work on that.
    “How are Cal and Chris doing?” Brady asks. I’m sure he’s genuinely curious, but a part of me wonders if he only asks as a way of changing the subject.
    “Good,” Emmy answers. “They’re adjusting to college life.”
    Taylor snorts. “Oh, come on, Chris texts you like every two seconds. He’s not adjusting to being away from you at all.”
    Emmy smiles, her face coloring. Then she whacks Taylor in the leg good-naturedly. “You’re one to talk. Cal texts you just as much.”
    “That’s just because he worries about me. He’s worried I’ll sit down and never be able to stand back up.” She laughs, and Emmy joins in.
    It’s the longest conversation I’ve ever had with Taylor. Last year she was always with Cal, and no one else could get close to her. But what I did see of her, I assumed she was sullen and boring. Turns out, she’s not that different from me. It becomes even more apparent to me why Cal fell for her.
    I know exactly why Chris fell for Emmy. She’s pretty, smart and sweet. It’s the same reason I used to have a crush on her. I would have gone after her, too, if I wasn’t so scared of Cal. He’d made it pretty clear to all of us that his sister was off limits. Of course, I guess that wasn’t exactly true, since he allowed his best friend to date her.
    Then again, I don’t think he exactly allowed it. In fact, I distinctly remember the fight they got into when he found out. But eventually he came around. And I guess it’s for the best that I never dated her. It’s obvious that she and Chris are meant for each other.
    “All right. Help me up.” Taylor grimaces, placing a hand on her large belly. “I gotta pee.”
    Emmy chuckles while

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