Playing in SECRET (Corrigan & Co. Book 9)

Playing in SECRET (Corrigan & Co. Book 9) by Crystal Perkins Read Free Book Online

Book: Playing in SECRET (Corrigan & Co. Book 9) by Crystal Perkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crystal Perkins
Taylor makes at
least as much as I do in year—probably more with his endorsement
deals. Jake Mason’s mother is Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, and his father runs one of the largest corporations in the
world. And Brayden—well Brayden was a King, until he gave up his
crown for Darcy. I’m sure the women are all millionaires. Even if
they weren’t, no one is better than anyone else just because they
have money. I don’t care what bullshit your mother’s told you,
you know how I feel, and we shouldn’t even be having this
    “You just cussed.”
    “You said you’re
not a baby, and you’re right. I’m done coddling you. You’ll
start pulling your weight more around here, especially if you don’t
lose this new attitude.”
    “I’m sorry, Daddy,”
she says, using the term she knows is sure to melt my heart, and only
uses when she wants something. Or to get out of something.
    “You’re still
getting extra chores.”
    “I know,” she says
with a sigh. “Do you think Audrey’s in trouble because I told
them you kissed?”
    “You like her more
than Mom, don’t you?”
    “Jeanne, I like
almost everyone on the planet more than I like your mom. I’m
grateful to her, because I wouldn’t have you otherwise, but I
haven’t liked—or loved—her for a very long time.”
    “She told me she
still loves you.”
    That’s even bigger
bullshit than what Jeanne said earlier. I have to be diplomatic for
my kid, though. “I can’t help how she feels. Hopefully she’ll
find someone else, and move on.”
    “There’s no chance
you’d get back together with her?”
    I mean that with my
whole heart, especially since she was too “busy” to come and
check on Jeanne, even after I told her she’d almost been kidnapped
again. I don’t know if she just doesn’t care about our daughter,
if she thinks her waning career is too important, or what. But I
could never be with someone who didn’t put their own child first.
It didn’t work out the first time, and I’m not even going to try
    “That’s not your
color,” Audrey tells me with a wink, as she walks into the closet.
    I look down and see
that I’m holding a peach dress in front of me. “Really, I think
it brings out the color in my eyes.”
    “You’re so
embarrassing, Dad.”
    “What? It’s only
Audrey.” Her face falls, and I want to bang my head against the
closest wall.
    “Anyway. I was hoping
you’d be up for a Girls’ Night, Jeanne. The Griffin wives host
one every month, and sometimes us Society girls get together with
them, too. Reina, Isa, Ainsley, Darcy, and Faith are in if you are.”
    “They don’t hate me
after the things I said at dinner?”
    “What? No. We’ve
all been teenagers. We understand the angst. Especially after the day
you’ve had. I’d say some more ice cream and chick flicks are in
order. Along with nail painting and frozen bras of course.”
    “Do I get to freeze
your bra, Audrey?”
    “That would be a
‘hell no’ Blake.”
    “Can’t blame a guy
for trying.”
    “So, what do you
say?” she asks Jeanne, pointedly ignoring me.
    I think I just struck
out, and it’s only been two days. I was hoping for a home run, and
I’m not ready to throw down the bat yet. “Jeanne, why don’t you
go help Audrey’s friends grab snacks while I talk to her for a
    “Oh-kay. Don’t be
making out when we get back, please. I’ll be loud, but still.”
    “There’s no chance
of that, Jeanne, so you can be as quiet as a mouse.”
    “Make noise, Jeanne.”
    “I’m going now,
because this is really awkward. Bye!”
    “What did you want to
talk about, Blake?” Audrey asks once Jeanne is gone.
    “I didn’t mean it
like you think I did.”
    “Mean what?”
    “You know damn well
what I’m talking about, and I only meant that you wouldn’t care
if we acted goofy around you.”
    “Okay, we’re good?
Or okay, you’re just saying that to try

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