Playing Up
scanned her pass and scuttled down the
aisle to grasp a rail. She didn’t even know where the bus was
going, but would figure it out. Harford. What a relief.
    Her phone beeped, and her heart leapt, but
the text wasn’t from him. Her hands shook as she replaced the phone
into her bag.
    ‘You all right, darling?’ The East End voice
came from in front of her.
    Sian looked up to see an attractively rough
builder-type gazing down at her. ‘I’m fine, thanks,’ she responded,
and smiled warily.
    He scanned her face, glancing briefly at her
cleavage, ‘I’d say you’re more than fine, gorgeous.’ His eyes
confirmed his thoughts, a very flirtatious grin on his face.
    She couldn’t help but grin back. What was she
doing? She’d just had the most fabulous, NSA sex, discovered she
enjoyed a lot more than plain vanilla and felt rather good. She
swayed slightly as the bus went round a bend. Yep, pleasurably sore
and satisfied.
    The bus drew up at Harford station which
broke the moment between her and the stranger, she laughed her
thanks and winked at him, lightly stepping from the bus and jogging
towards the station. That was it, the last train home.
    Rob didn’t expect to find the bedroom empty.
He pulled on jeans as he rubbed his hair dry. He could hear someone
moving in the kitchen, and his stomach rumbled.
    ‘What do you fancy to eat then?’ he
    A male voice answered, ‘I’ve eaten
    ‘Not you…’ Rob’s head came up. Had she…? ‘Is
anyone with you?’
    ‘Nah, bra. I only got in a few seconds ago.
Hey, I thought I saw one of the women from the club walking away
from here.’
    The only other person in the flat was Marcus.
Where had Sian gone? He pulled on a jumper and shoes, grabbing his
jacket and went out the door. He was just in time to see the bus
pulling away, with Sian walking down the aisle.
    Oh, shit, what had he said to her? Was she
    Another bus pulled up and without thinking,
he jumped on. His bus shadowed hers until the station, where he saw
her jump off. He followed her as far as the ticket barrier, staying
several yards behind. She lightly skipped down to the platform, and
he glimpsed her face as she turned and sashayed on to the waiting
train. She was beaming, a huge satisfied smile on her face.
    ‘Got a ticket, mate?’
    He shook his head, not bothering to look at
the person asking.
    ‘Shove over an’ let us pass then. She’s a
fucking hot bird, mate. You know her?’
    He shook his head as the train pulled
    ‘Aww, fucking shame. I should’ve got her
number on the bus. Those curves'd kill a man happy. Gave me a huge
smile, a cheeky wink and a hard-on. Never mind; more fish an’ all
    Rob turned away, confused. What the hell was
she up to? He wandered back to his flat, the walk doing nothing to
clear his head.
    So, he’d been a bit rude in the shower, she’d
decided to leave but she wasn’t upset. They were getting on really
well until then. What the fuck was going on?

Chapter Three
    ‘Let me
get this right, you shagged him, three times in one evening, and
then walked out?’
    Sian playfully pursed her lips and nodded,
‘Yep, that’s about right.’
    ‘Three times. Hot sex, a bit of a kink? Less
vanilla, more…’ Clare fanned her face.
    Sian grinned, ‘Depends where you draw the
line at kinky. Light bondage?’
    ‘Tied to a bed, or does he have any
specialist equipment like a frame or one of those horse things that
    ‘Whoa, stop right there. Definitely TMI.
Well, when I’m sober…’
    ‘So, bondage-lite for a start, a little
domination. Sado-masochism?’
    ‘Spanking. That was go-ooood.’ Sian wriggled
in her seat. ‘Which reminds me, his fingers went where they-’
    ‘No!’ Clare started giggling, ‘On a first
    ‘He really seemed to enjoy giving. He was so
masterful. And his tongue? Wow.’ Sian shivered and squeezed her
thighs together. Even talking about it was winding her up

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