Poisoned Pawn

Poisoned Pawn by Jaleta Clegg Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Poisoned Pawn by Jaleta Clegg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaleta Clegg
“As soon as they’re done loading cargo, we’re doing pre-flight.”
    Clark closed out his query.
    “I’m not going to find any trace of that later, am I?”
    “Not unless you’re better than I am, and you aren’t. At least not with data searches. Do you want me to help you with the cargo?”
    “Tell me why you’re being so evasive, Clark.”
    “And who I work for? I work for you, Dace. We have a signed contract. I’m your second pilot.”
    “You didn’t list all your skills on your papers.”
    “And you didn’t tell me you keep blasters on your ship. How much trouble do you get into?”
    “More than I ever wanted to. I’m going to check the cargo now. Do I trust you in here by yourself?”
    “Whatever you may believe, Dace, I’m not going to sell you out to Targon.”
    “What about the Patrol?”
    “What about them?” Clark pasted an innocent look on his face. He was stonewalling me. I wasn’t going to get him to admit anything he wasn’t going to admit anyway. He wasn’t going to sabotage the ship and he already had ample time to pass messages. If he was going to.
    I shrugged. I may as well trust him. For now.
    To my surprise, he followed me outside. I stood in the mud and drizzling rain watching the bug-eyed men load the last of the cargo. Clark stood next to me, hands shoved into his pockets as he stared at the mud wall and lumpy buildings beyond.
    He took a deep breath of the muggy air. “This is why I chose to be a pilot. New worlds, new experiences. Why did you choose piloting?”
    I cocked my head, thinking. “I enjoyed it and the tests said I’d be good at it.”
    “Why fly a cargo ship, Dace? Patrol ships would be much more challenging.”
    “And have someone telling me where to go? No thanks. I wanted my freedom.”
    He squished a muddy spot on the ground. “What’s Jasyn’s story?”
    “Why don’t you ask her?”
    “She’s not here. You are.”
    “It isn’t mine to tell, Clark.”
    “Why choose her for your partner?”
    “Because we both wanted the same thing. We get along. She’s a good navigator.” I wiped rain from my face with one hand. “And she doesn’t ask lots of questions.”
    “Yes, she does. You’re just avoiding answering mine.”
    “Why do you want to know, Clark?”
    “Idle curiosity.”
    I caught sight of Jasyn across the field. She waved one arm. Her other arm was loaded with packages. An automated hauler trundled after her, stacked with boxes.
    “What did she buy? The whole store?”
    Clark shook his head. “Credit extended on Dru’Ott is only accepted—”
    “On Dru’Ott. I heard the spiel.”
    “The prices here are low and the credit chit had a lot on it. The fleece we hauled from Viya was worth a bundle. I was there when Jasyn checked the prices. If the payment on Shamustel is anything like what you got here, you’re going to be rich.”
    “If you’re suggesting I make Dru’Ott a permanent stop on a trade route, I’ve considered it. But it’s too close to Targon. Maybe later.”
    Jasyn squelched through the mud to the hatch. She wiped her feet before entering the ship.
    “I’ll let you know when they’re done loading,” Clark offered. “Go find out what Jasyn bought before the curiosity eats you alive.”
    “Thanks, Clark.”
    “No speech about betraying you or who I work for?”
    “If you were going to kill me, you would have already. If you are selling me to Targon at the first opportunity, I’ll find a way to get revenge. And if you work for Lowell, you’ll be sorry you ever set foot on my ship. Is that a good enough answer for you?”
    “You’re perfectly clear, Captain.”
    “Good. Go ahead and sign the manifest once they get it sealed. I trust you that far, Clark.”
    I turned away from his measuring stare to hurry inside the ship.
    Jasyn had stacked boxes on the table and all over the floor of the lounge. “Dace, you won’t believe what they sell here. Anything and everything. Look at this.” She opened a box

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