Poisoned Pawn

Poisoned Pawn by Jaleta Clegg Read Free Book Online

Book: Poisoned Pawn by Jaleta Clegg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaleta Clegg
I glanced inside the cargo bay. The workers knew what they were doing. They balanced the load as they went, strapping everything securely in place. They were just over halfway through loading the ship.
    “Close the hatches when you finish, all right?”
    The man blinked again. “Cargo to Shamustel will be loaded.”
    “Fine. I’ll be back.” They didn’t need me to supervise them, not that I would have been able to change anything they did anyway.
    I headed around the ship to the airlock, wiping mud off my feet as much as I could before crossing the lounge to the cockpit. I stopped in the doorway.
    “Clark? When did you get back?”
    He jumped, as if I’d caught him being sneaky, which I had. “Dinner is in the warmer. Jasyn was having so much fun shopping I left her to spend all the money. You don’t mind, do you?”
    I folded my arms, fixing his too innocent look with my best glare. “Someone just pinged our ship. Any idea who or why?”
    He turned his innocent look up a notch. “No idea, captain.”
    I glared.
    “Do you want me to find out?” He turned to the com station.
    I watched while he typed the query into our computer system. What was he doing in the ship when he was supposed to be shopping with Jasyn? Passing messages, of course.
    “How’s Lowell doing these days?” I asked. “That is what you’re doing in here by yourself, passing messages to him?”
    He didn’t look up from the station. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Captain. It looks like the ship information was requested by someone using the planetary datanet. Anonymous request so I’m afraid I can’t get more than that.”
    “Who do you really work for, Clark? It isn’t me, no matter what our contract may state. You’re here to spy on us. Why, I can’t even start to guess. As I’ve tried telling everyone who thinks otherwise, Jasyn and I are traders, nothing more.”
    “With very overpowered engines and scanning equipment most Patrol ships don’t have. Who do you really work for, Dace?”
    “Myself. What about the warning you passed on about Targon? Did you make that up?”
    He shook his head. “Targon wants your head on a platter. They’re offering a reward of fifty thousand credits.”
    “Are you a bounty hunter trying to cash in?”
    “If I were, would I be sitting in your cockpit? I could have turned you in on Viya Station or suggested somewhere other than our current plan. Shamustel doesn’t tolerate organized crime.” He typed a string of code into the computer. “That should tell us who pinged the ship, since you’re so worried.”
    “I’m not worried. I’m just being cautious.”
    He swiveled his chair to study me while we waited for the computer to finish. He wasn’t the easy-going charmer he’d been playing for Jasyn. His eyes were hard and flat, unreadable. “Are you a smuggler, Dace? Is that why Targon wants you dead? They’re eliminating competition.”
    “You guessed it. I’m a smuggler. I hide spare parts in my underwear drawer inside my socks.”
    “And blasters in secret compartments.”
    “Do I need to shoot you, Clark?”
    He grinned. “Just pay me and I promise not to tell.”
    “You’re resorting to blackmail. How much?”
    “Percentage of profit is what you offered. This isn’t blackmail, Dace. I just like to know who and what I’m dealing with. Nice job keeping the blasters cleaned and charged.”
    “I never know when I might need them.”
    The computer beeped. Clark turned back to it. “I think you may need them sooner than you think. The ship that pinged us is rumored to work for a Targon subsidiary.”
    I muttered curses as I pulled out my com. “Jasyn? How long before you’re back?”
    “I’m just waiting for them to process the order,” she answered. “Maybe an hour at the most. Are we expecting trouble again, Dace?”
    “I hope not. But, either way, we’re leaving as soon as the cargo is loaded.” I clicked the com off and slid it back into my pocket.

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