Poppy's Passions

Poppy's Passions by Stephanie Beck Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Poppy's Passions by Stephanie Beck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Beck
ask you a few questions. First, can you describe what was happening before the attack?"
    It only took a few minutes to explain the bulk of what she saw. She gave the details she remembered while the detective nodded and wrote notes in his tiny pad. Michael stayed by her side and helped the detective reword things when her medicated mind didn't understand the questions. She knew Michael had been a detective but seeing him in action reaffirmed her assumption of how good he was.
    "A guy in green gear ripped the curtain and pointed the gun at Trevor. I was in front of him. I think Trevor must have pushed me to the floor,” she said absently. Her eyes widened as the words sunk in. She couldn't stop her hands as they flew to her stomach, still big and dormant.
    "Babies are tough, Ms. Maguire,” the detective told her with a reassuring smile. Beside her Michael's comforting hand went from stroke to grab. “That's all I need for now. We have the suspect red-handed, you could say, as he was still holding the gun when security got to the scene. It was a scary time with these boys dogpiled on him, but they kept him from shooting anyone else.
    "We're hopeful for a full confession and ideally he'll wise up and plead guilty. I'll be in contact with more details when this comes up in the justice department. He's here on a special visa, so things might get tied up for a while. It could be a few weeks or months but I've got your information, so I'll be in touch."
    Michael shook his hand and sat again, quiet until the detective closed the door behind him. She watched him think, an animated process with him as he was probably gauging how big she was and counting back weeks.
    Finally, he reached out and tentatively laid his hand on her bulging stomach. “Pretty big.” He cleared his throat. “Were you pregnant before our night?"
    "Nope. Twins are tucked in there.” Relief rushed with the words and she was grateful for the detective's assumption and interference. The opening line had always been the one she couldn't get when she practiced what she would say to them. With the block gone, the words came easily. “Apparently a condom or two or three failed."
    "And you couldn't find us. And we couldn't find you either. Even at your apartment."
    "Trevor told me about trying to call. I hate telemarketers so I never give my cell number. My apartment was too small for me and two babies. I bought a townhouse on the other end of town before I got too big to move myself. I've been there two months now, and I like it.” She was rambling but couldn't stop. “It's a nice house, and it's closer to the places I work. I've been worried about telling you, even though I've wanted to. This whole situation is going to be so complicated.” There was more to say, more fears and concerns, but her stomach had other plans. “Gonna puke."
    Michael was quick on his feet, she would give him that, and they avoided a major mess with a well placed basin. The nurse, not Tammy, administered nausea meds along with another dose of pain medication before Poppy was transferred to an observation room. Trevor was in yet another room, finally being seen and having his arm treated. Cody was staying with him until he was released.
    There was nothing to do, nothing left to worry about with her secret out. The men she'd wanted were finally close and relatively okay. There was so much to discuss and decide, but her arm hurt and the tired from earlier had become exhaustion. As the excitement ebbed, so did her ability to focus. Michael must have recognized the signs, because he nicely cleared the room of her co-workers and concerned hospital administrators.
    The weekend promised to be an interesting, exhausting few days. She closed her eyes as she relaxed against her pillows, extra warming blankets tucked around her as the shock and injury reversed the constant overheating she usually felt. Michael sat beside her, a magazine he wasn't reading in hand. He was watching her and every

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